Greatest Catch of the Year ...: University of North Carolina wide receiver Hakeem Nicks uses his big hands to make one the greatest of the year if not ever. [YouTube Video]
At regular speed the catch looks like a run-of-the-mill crossing pattern, but slowed down one can see that Nicks uses his left hand to catch the ball trapping it between his legs then switches hands behind his back all while turning up field to make the first down.
And it was just one of many great catches Nicks made in UNCs loss to West Virginia.
I don't think either of those top Antonio Bryant's one-handed gem.
posted by wfrazerjr at 02:37 PM on December 29, 2008
All sweet. All of 'em.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 04:53 PM on December 29, 2008
This one from Div I-AA (or whatever they call it these days) Morgan State is pretty great too.
posted by holden at 05:56 PM on December 29, 2008
I have seen him in two games. I feel he will enter the nfl draft. A middle to late first round pick.Has great hands and good moves.Instant multi-millionare.
posted by Doehead at 06:16 PM on December 29, 2008
I vote for the Morgan State catch - but they're all fantastic
posted by bobfoot at 10:21 PM on December 29, 2008
I vote for the Morgan State Catch also. It is interesting that as soon as someone claims a catch to be the greatest ever, three better ones are easily discovered. Never make the best ever claim.
posted by Atheist at 02:13 PM on December 30, 2008
I did not mean to say best ever but I meant to say never even claim greatest of the year. It was good just the the best of the year.
posted by Atheist at 02:16 PM on December 30, 2008
Oh I fucking hate YouTube videos that were made by someone pointing their damn phone at the TV.
Get some real technology or don't fucking bother.
posted by Drood at 04:15 PM on December 30, 2008
I just thought of another point I would like to mention. A great catch should not just be judged on the acrobatics of the catch itself, but also on the gravity of the situation. That is why the catch Dwight Clark made for the 49ners is referred to as "the Catch" it not only won a playoff game but turned around a franchise. The immaculate reception and that catch made against the helmet in last years Superbowl are other examples of not only great catches, but great catches made in do or die situations in the biggest games. That is how a catch goes down in history as great. I am sure there are plenty of acrobatic catches that happen in practice, or in high school or whatever that just don't rate because they are basically unimportant.
posted by Atheist at 10:56 AM on December 31, 2008
As a Steelers' fan I was very impressed with Polamalu's interception. Antonio's catch was very nice too... although I don't consider it a one hand catch because he uses the one hand to bring the ball to his body. But neither of those catches were made with a defender hanging on and grabbing for the ball. The look on #31's face as he walks away after the play, with both hands on top of his helmet as he shakes his head, is great. Even he can't believe Nicks made the catch. West Virginia's #31 went on to make the game-saving interception.
posted by scully at 01:11 PM on December 31, 2008
Hakeem Nicks announced he will forego his senior season and enter the NFL draft.
posted by Newbie Walker at 05:21 PM on January 07, 2009
It's hard to tell on that video (which isn't of the greatest quality), but it appears that he outright snags the catch with his left hand and has possession one-handed from the get-go (fella must have really big hands) and everything after that is simply re-positioning the ball -- it looks like he actually tries to put (or thinks about putting) the ball through his legs but then switches to the other hand it around his back. The catch was great, but a lot of the post-catch hoodoo seems to have been more discretionary, as opposed to a matter of necessity. So a great play and display of coordination/athleticism overall, but not sure I would give it the crown of greatest catch of the year or ever. Not that anyone asked.
Greatest catch for me this year (combined college/pro division) is probably Polamalu's interception against the Chargers earlier this year.