Smell The Glove: Brandon Marshall had a half-black, half-white glove stashed as part of a TD celebration / commemoration that recalled Tommie Smith and celebrated Barack Obama. Brandon Stokely ran over to him and made him put it away, fearing a 15-yard unsportsmanlike at the end of a close game. On the one hand, Brandon Marshall is no Tommie Smith. On the other hand, I can't shake off the nagging feeling (which owes more to Smith than Marshall) that it would have been a pretty cool gesture.
I initially thought he was an overpaid football player reaching into his pants for a pacifier, a la some soccer players I've seen. Clearly would have been a penalty (premeditation) and possibly a fine for injecting politics into sport.
posted by jjzucal at 10:46 AM on November 07, 2008
Just wait until Brandon Marshall realizes that Obama can't make control gas prices...
Why is it that every time a new, great, wide receiver emerges, they totally lose their minds? Did Marshall really want to commemorate anything or did he just want to be splashed all over the news with his Michael Jackson glove? I wonder if he planned on doing the moonwalk too? Maybe a crotch grab or two? Shit!
posted by docshredder at 11:03 PM on November 07, 2008
Did Marshall really want to commemorate anything or did he just want to be splashed all over the news with his Michael Jackson glove?
Michael Jackson glove. That's pretty funny.
posted by BornIcon at 09:20 AM on November 08, 2008
I thought he was getting ready to bitch-slap his girlfriend again.
posted by dyams at 10:25 AM on November 08, 2008
All this time I thought he was trying to make a nuanced political statement. Silly me.
posted by apoch at 11:45 AM on November 08, 2008
I understand Marshall's excitement. The election was a special moment in U.S. history. Even McCain, Bush and Rice acknowledged this.
So he's excited. I get that.
Here's what I don't get. Tommie Smith's gesture was one of protest and defiance. An indelible image from the civil rights movement.
Marshall's gesture was to be one of celebration and inclusion. So why imitate Smith? It just seems tone deaf. Imitating the black power salute to celebrate an African American being elected president.
And yes, wide receivers have had an inordinate amount of crazy me first guys in the recent past.
posted by cjets at 09:26 PM on November 08, 2008
I hate to admit this but I agree with what Kornheiser said on PTI... He could have worn the glove the whole game and then after the game explained why he was wearing it.
posted by scully at 12:00 PM on November 09, 2008 would have been a pretty cool gesture
Eh...I guess.