NFL Pick Em' League?: Does anyone want to setup a NFL pick em' league? We had one last season, and I enjoyed it. If anyone is interested, post it here. Although week 1 already passed, we can probably set this up quickly..
ok thanks.
There's already one set up -- I'm pretty sure it's too late to join. Got 16 teams.
Did I miss a post? When was this setup?
posted by goddam at 04:10 PM on September 09, 2008
There is a survival football group, plus the 2 yahoos (H2H and Roto), but not a pick'em.
posted by BoKnows at 06:54 PM on September 09, 2008
I don't remember seeing a post about a pick'em either. I tried to throw a hint on the H2H league message board before the season started.
Ah heck with it, I set up a pick'em w/ spread on Yahoo! Group #70187 Password: Kendall
posted by MrFrisby at 10:59 PM on September 09, 2008
ok thank you. :)
posted by Kendall at 10:38 PM on September 10, 2008
There was a problem
* There was a temporary problem with the server. Please try again shortly. (Error #115) * The password is incorrect. (Error #109) * The group is full. (Error #107) * This is not a private group. (Error #147)
Did it work alright for you frisby?
posted by Kendall at 10:42 PM on September 10, 2008
Seems to be working fine. BoKnows and goddam were able to join. Yahoo! has been buggy lately though, even told me that I needed to sign in to see my teams even though I was already signed in. My addy's in my profile, shoot me an email and I'll send you an invite to see if that helps.
posted by MrFrisby at 12:01 AM on September 11, 2008
I got in fine. Sweet deal.
posted by boredom_08 at 02:11 AM on September 12, 2008
well, my email is I'll try it again to see if I can get through too.
posted by Kendall at 10:02 AM on September 14, 2008
ok never mind.. got it to work! Thanks again, and good luck!
posted by Kendall at 10:07 AM on September 14, 2008
There's already one set up -- I'm pretty sure it's too late to join. Got 16 teams.