Redskins trying to change the rules.: The team from D.C. is trying to get worker's compensation laws modified in their favor, due to getting burned in the courts by a player recently. [more inside]
Due to the case of Jeff Uhlenhake, in which a could levels Of course, were I to actually pay attention when I preview, I would have changed that to "in which a couple levels"...ah well.
posted by bcb2k2 at 08:36 PM on January 18, 2003
Due to the case of Jeff Uhlenhake, in which a could levels of courts have said the Redskins are obligated to backpay "several hundred thousand dollars", the Skins are now trying to amend Virginia state law. The objective is to get the current comp benefit cap, $344k lifetime, to apply towards actual salary paid. Now, reading this article, I can see the Skins (and other teams') side in the matter. They probably shouldn't have to pay players extra money, when they already make more then the lifetime cap of worker's comp. However, also mentioned in the article, this would open up the can of worms on how to differentiate who would actually get what. Football players are noted as having a "high-risk job", but so do police officers, firefighters, offshore platform workers, among others. Personally, I just don't believe this to be a cut-and-dry situation. I would be very interested in seeing what wording this amendment would get, were it to be ratified.