We ain't hicks!: The governor of West Virginia was apparently not amused by the University of Virginia marching band's portrayal of his state's residents at halftime of the Continental Tire Bowl. The skit involved a ripoff of "The Bachelor," with the Mountaineer rep sporting "blue overalls, pigtails, a talent for square dancing and a dream to move to Beverly Hills, Calif. - a reference to The Beverly Hillbillies." Doesn't the Gov have anything better to do with his time?
Wahoowah! Seriously though, I think they've done that one before against Clemson or something. Can't they think up any new material? In Virginians' opinions, West Virginia:Virginia::New Jersey:New York Just for context.
posted by LionIndex at 07:41 PM on January 06, 2003
Wow, New York has that low an opinion of New Jersey? (Full disclosure reared in VA.)
posted by trox at 08:51 AM on January 07, 2003
The term "marching band" just doesn't quite fit the loose confederation of losers who form the UVa pep band. They are a bad impression of what a good small band can be (I'm thinking about the Rice MOB here). That being said, WV fully deserves any ridicule it receives. I mean, I've been there. They really are toothless inbred hillbillies. (Full disclosure - UVa grad student)
posted by mbd1 at 10:25 AM on January 07, 2003
Really, though--is western Virginia any different?
posted by Mookieproof at 01:27 PM on January 07, 2003
Perhaps it could best be described as a redneck gradient, roughly approximating the elevation of the Appalachian mountains. The People's Republic of Charlottesville is an outlying data point.
posted by mbd1 at 01:40 PM on January 07, 2003
Mookieproof. Western Virginia is indeed very different than West Virginia (I grew up in the Shenandoah Valley [Staunton], and went to school there [Lexington].) You could pretty easily tell that things were different once you crossed into WV.
posted by trox at 02:21 PM on January 07, 2003
Trox, yeah, people in NY don't think too highly of us New Jersey types. They think we're all Guidos, not Rednecks though. I'd like to defend New Jersey, but there really is a lot of Drakkar, Gold Chains, and tattoos of cartoon characters lifting weights around here. And no amount of state parks, lakes, and farmland in the nice parts of Jersey could ever make up for Newark, or the living sideshow that is the Jersey Shore. On preview: I'm referring to your first post.
posted by Samsonov14 at 02:39 PM on January 07, 2003
'Course, the fact that a good percentage of us Jerseyans used to live in New Yawk is beside the point...
posted by PeteyStock at 04:41 PM on January 07, 2003
the loose confederation of losers who form the UVa pep band. There has never been a more concise, accurate description of them. (full disclosure - UVa alumnus)
posted by LionIndex at 01:41 PM on January 08, 2003
Recent development...... since this report last aired, UVa received a $29M donation to form a Real Live Respectable Marching Band. The pep band got banned. Although I called them losers before, the pep band is better than a crummy marching band. And it would inevitably be a crummy marching band here. The schools that field excellent marching bands are usually gigantic state institutions (see Ohio State, Texas A&M, etc). UVa has a fraction of the enrollment - and I think most importantly - absolutely no tradition, bandwise. It could be tough going for them in the first few years.
posted by mbd1 at 01:02 PM on December 05, 2003
"Continental Tire Bowl" hahahahahahaha