mlblogs: has launched, and it's pretty fun. It's got me thinking though, that I have no idea what the best Baseball blogs are anymore. What are they?
posted by djacobs to navel gazing at 08:32 PM - 5 comments
bronx banter is a great site for the yankees, especially now that cliff corcoran has joined forces with alex. actually everyone at baseball toaster is good. steve goldman started a blog at pinstriped bible. even though it's hosted on yes network's site he still has the freedom to be quite critical. plus he's a great writer. dave pinto's baseball musings is a great site for coverage of the whole league.
posted by goddam at 10:28 PM on April 22, 2005
I have a love/hate relationship with Al's Ramblings, a Brewers blog. Al's a conservative of the Fox/Coulter/Hannity variety, and wastes no opportunity to echo their opinions, but he's got a lot of great insight into our lovable losers in Milwaukee. I don't think there are any higher-profile Brewers bloggers out there, though I'd love to find one with stronger copy editing skills.
posted by rocketman at 10:17 AM on April 23, 2005
Wow, I do wonder if this is really Tommy Lasorda who is blogging. Dodger Thoughts is one hell of a blog. He even scored an interview with Depodesta.
posted by jasonspaceman at 06:20 PM on April 24, 2005
I'll second Dodger Thoughts here. Jon Weisman writes some great stuff. He manages to effectively balance good reporting, moderating of pro-Moneyball vs. anti-Moneyball debate, and personal narrative. Hell, his gameday chats have anywhere from 200-400 comments. Say jasonspaceman did you get a "Ghame Over" shirt?
posted by lilnemo at 04:50 PM on April 25, 2005
Aaron Gleeman is a great site for Twins and general baseball sarcasm, and Athletics Nation is about the best team blog I've ever seen (for the A's, obviously).