NBA Fantasy Head-to-Head League: There's something fun and interactive about playing head-to-head that's missing in the rotisserie leagues. This is in addition to the other league, not meant as a replacement. The draft is Monday, Nov. 1 at 6PM PST... anyone interested? (Details inside.)
I'm in. The "Post Draft Players," that means guys left undrafted, right? They should be free agents immediately after the draft, IMO. Other than that, everything looks good...
posted by MeatSaber at 03:55 PM on October 27, 2004
Yep, it means the undrafted. Why don't we compromise and change it to one day? That way everyone gets a chance to evaluate their team a little after the draft without missing out.
posted by dusted at 03:57 PM on October 27, 2004
That'll work. I just like to double-check after the draft and see if there's someone everyone missed...
posted by MeatSaber at 03:59 PM on October 27, 2004
One more note: there are playoffs in late March for the 1st through 6th place teams, with a consolation bracket for the teams in 7th through 12th place. The brackets are a little convoluted, so here's an explanation direct from Yahoo.
posted by dusted at 04:08 PM on October 27, 2004
Well, here's the choices I have for "post-draft players": After draft, make all unowned players: 1. Free agents or 2. Follow waiver rules. I don't feel strongly about either, so I'll just change it to free agents, since MeatSaber requested it. If anyone feels strongly against the free agents idea, speak up here before the draft tomorrow.
posted by dusted at 12:25 PM on October 31, 2004
the only thing about undrafted = free agents is that it is first come, first served... which wouldn't be of help to anyone who is doing an autodraft.
posted by gspm at 09:47 AM on November 01, 2004
Good point, gspm - I hadn't thought about that. Like I said, I don't feel strongly about it. Let me know what you prefer, and I'll go with the majority before the draft this evening. So far we have: Free agents: MeatSaber Waivers: gspm
posted by dusted at 11:33 AM on November 01, 2004
I say waivers. If you have your first pick later in the draft, it helps being able to pick up that one player the others might have looked over.
posted by jasonspaceman at 12:13 PM on November 01, 2004
Honestly, putting them on waivers is OK with me. I've been in some cutthroat leagues where the rules is you snooze-you lose. Guess I'm accustomed to that mentality...but using waivers as a way to balance fairness after the draft for those that couldn't make it is quite alright by me...just don't want you to think I'm dead-set against it... =D
posted by MeatSaber at 02:18 PM on November 01, 2004
OK, thanks MeatSaber. In that case, I'm pretty sure we'll switch back to waivers. It looks like we'll have eight teams, which is fine. We'll all have teams stacked with talent, which will be a nice contrast to the typical SpoFi league.
posted by dusted at 03:27 PM on November 01, 2004
Reminder too late to make much difference: we're drafting in about 20 minutes.
posted by dusted at 07:50 PM on November 01, 2004
Draft Results
posted by dusted at 09:49 PM on November 01, 2004
My (uninformed, mostly) observations, round by round: 1. Chauncey Billups is the only big surprise. 2. All solid picks, but Marion and Kirilenko are steals this late in the second round. 3. Jermaine O'Neal's injury status must have worried people for him to fall this far. 4. All safe picks, but Carmelo and Wade have the most potential. 5. Mark Madsen Mayhem's autodraft picks the second of four straight point guards (traded immediately after the draft). Redd is probably the best pick of the round. 6. Jiztastic continues to take the risks, but Devin Harris could make him look brilliant... maybe. The beauty of having only 8 teams - we're just now running out of All-Stars. 7. Damon Stoudamire went a little earlier than I expected, but nothing out of the ordinary. 8. Someone finally takes Kidd... I guess a point guard just now starting to run on a micro-fractured knee isn't worth much (see: Allan Houston). A steal if he can play before the middle of the season. 9. Brent Barry is the best pick of this round, unless Bosh stays healthy. 10. These guys are the last round before picking the bench, and it shows. The scary part is that they'd go in the 5th or 6th round in a typical SpoFi league with 15-20 teams. 11. The last serious round before the fliers... Ginobili is probably the class of the round. 12. Here's where most people look for upside/potential/whatever you call it. I aced it by grabbing Grant Hill. If he's a shadow of his former self, I'm a goddamn genius. Of course, people have been saying that for a couple of years now... 13. Ben Gordon is an interesting pick, but getting Latrell "got to feed my kids" Sprewell in the 13th round is quite a coup.
posted by dusted at 10:26 PM on November 01, 2004
League ID#: 172354 League Name: Spofi Head2Head Password: spofi Draft Type: Live Draft Draft Time: Mon Nov 1 6:00pm PST [ Add to My Calendar ] Max Teams: 12 Scoring Type: Head-to-Head Max Moves: No maximum Max Trades: No maximum Trade Reject Time: 2 Trade End Date: March 3, 2005 Waiver Time: 2 days Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports Trade Review: League Votes Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow Start Scoring on: Week 1 Roster Positions: PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN, DL Stat Categories: 3PTM, PTS, REB, AST, ST, BLK, TO This is all pretty standard. The only twist is removal of FT% and FG%. I was inspired by this: As an aside, due to fantasy baseball's history, many basketball leagues are tied to the stat categories, like fg% and ft%, which are like baseball's ERA, WHIP, etc. There was a time when this was necessary. Not anymore. Fantasy Basketball has been around long enough that it deserves it's own personality - more reflective of the sport. (Do football leagues use percentages anymore?) Baseball is a small sport: A pitcher throws a small ball into a small target where a batter uses a thin bat. They score about 7 times a game. If a player scores 1 Run and gets 1 RBI, they've had a relatively good game. As a result, to create greater production, they need percentages. Otherwise there'd be practically no stats on a game-by-game basis. Basketball is a volume sport: Big men cover a large area with a large ball and score about 150+ times a game. Basketball players get big rebound, point, assist, block and steal numbers. We don't need percentages because our players produce enough numbers to exist without it. Play in fantasy Basketball leagues that focus on the big stats, and not percentages. Basketball is basketball, not baseball. However, I'm totally open to changes. If you think the percentage categories should go back, let me know.