Is anyone else having trouble picking a team on the Yahoo fantasy football thingy?
posted by Fat Buddha to navel gazing at 08:14 AM - 8 comments
You only get 100 units, yes. I found it a good challenge last season figuring out who I had to sacrifice to make sure I got the big guns. Typically, you'd sacrifice players in the low-scoring categories, i.e., GK and Defense, because they tend to score in the single digits (unless you're talking about Dudek or Arca) or, even worse, negative points (due to lots of fouls, yellow cards, sending offs, etc.). This sacrifice would take the form of buying players that only cost a unit each. Usu. they don't even play, which, while it scores you no points, also eliminates the chance of negative points. Freeing up the units in order to buy a couple of players who might net you 30-50 points (if not more) a week is a worthy gamble. Also, the earlier you buy the better. You can get players like Ferdinand for 4 units right now, but watch it hit double digits within the first week. Finally, each week, your players' values may go down (or up) depending on that week's performance. If it goes down, but their overall performance is good, Update the unit value, and you'll free up the units to buy other players.
posted by worldcup2002 at 10:58 AM on July 27, 2002
The point is, I cannot pick anyone!!! There is no little box to tick. The thing is up the swanee.
posted by Fat Buddha at 12:37 PM on July 27, 2002
Huh? You're supposed to see radio buttons (little white circles you can click in). What OS, browser are you using? How many times have you tried? Rebooted? This is weird.
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:17 PM on July 27, 2002
btw, on your Team page, you should be able to click on any of the "edit" links on the left and then come to a list of players with radio buttons next to their names (conversely, if you don't have enough units to buy them, there will be no radio button next to their names)? if you can elaborate what you've tried and what results, I'll try to figure out solution.
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:24 PM on July 27, 2002
Er , excuse me while I find a hole to put myself in. I had overspent. I only had half a team at the time. I still managed to put a team together without picking a Birmingham player though; this is no time for sentiment. By the way, if you have had to go into the unknown end of the market be careful; they have Michael Hughes and Chris Ward playing for Birmingham, one never signed and the other was got rid of last year without ever having played a game.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:33 PM on July 27, 2002
This will probably get sorted out at least a week before the real League season begins, and definitely after the transfer deadline is past. Right now, they still have Ferdinand playing for Leeds. ;-)
posted by worldcup2002 at 04:19 PM on July 27, 2002
There's a couple of "new signings" that I would have chosen given the opportunity (e.g. Michael Boulding, Aston Villa), but as they are recent transfers, they don't seem to be listed. I think the key to this league will be spotting the players who didn't play much last season (due to injury for example), but will play a lot this season. I didn't have too many problems getting under 100 points, but then, I did pick mostly Villa and ex-Villa players. Who's up for a "worst team in the competition" competition then...
posted by BigCalm at 05:04 AM on July 29, 2002
You're not given very many points to spend so it's difficult to have more than one star player. I picked a team but it took some wrangling. FWIW I set up a private league between some friends and I didn't see a way to change the number of points given to players.