Ormondroyd's virtual match report is a satirical football (sorry, soccer) cartoon about the English Premiership. Sparkling funny at times, and always worth checking out. Archives here.
Interesting....the graphics could be better though don't ya think?
posted by StarFucker at 01:01 PM on November 07, 2002
StarFucker: That's not the point. It's all about the humor. For graphics, I like the Goal of the Week on Soccernet. Also, their Team of the Week, which is built on their Fantasy Soccer League, of which you are a member is pretty cool. But neither of these is funny like Ormondroyd.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:10 PM on November 07, 2002
Thanks for the link. It was fun to relive the world cup in humor. I'm looking forward to next month's virtual match report already (maybe he can find a team other than Arsenal to pick on then).
posted by trox at 01:50 PM on November 07, 2002
Hey, i still think its funny....
posted by StarFucker at 01:54 PM on November 07, 2002
You pointed me to Mr O earlier, BigCalm. For that, I shall always be grateful. My sides ache.