Name: | David irwin |
Member since: | February 04, 2006 |
Last visit: | February 04, 2006 |
Warminzu has posted 0 links and 5 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
This is nothing new...we knew he was on roids.. I mean, what the guy has in his veins could pass for toxic waste. I'm not sorry at all for being so blut..this guy is a cheater in my book, just like sammy and prolly big mac too. MLB got lucky that only some "minor" stars (canseco,palmoro) got caught to take the heat for all the superstars. I used to look down on canseco for blowing the whistle but now I see that he really did know what was going on and was not gonna go down as the only scape-goat for Bud and the boys. When you look at the record books years from now and you see Barry Bonds name...look for bunches of these *************************
posted by Warminzu at 11:41 PM on March 07, 2006
I dont agree with getting rid of (Lang) he is the type of player that can make the difference come playoff time...That being said, the only way i see him go is if we get someone with youth,speed and hands.
posted by Warminzu at 11:57 AM on March 04, 2006
What can you say... here's a guy that has it all and is just throwing it down the's a shame...especialy when you think of all the other guys that would love to have 1/3 of his talent.
posted by Warminzu at 10:10 PM on February 19, 2006
No better than sammy,cansaco,or any of the other cheaters...and those of you bragging about his pre drug do you know how long he's been useing drugs? He's an ass..both on and off the field to me.
posted by Warminzu at 10:05 PM on February 19, 2006
Bye -Bye Culpepper
Im a Lions fan but I see this biteing the vikes in the ass real soon.