Name: | Les Anderson |
Member since: | January 31, 2006 |
Last visit: | December 14, 2007 |
Lester has posted 0 links and 6 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
I always thought that Dick Pound was such an arrogant prick because he lost the IOC Presidency that even I thought he deserved. Now, I'm not so sure. If Dick Pound, who used to be a really nice guy before WADA, turned into this partly due to Ben Johnson, I'm glad he's not the IOC president. Having said that, I do have a lot of respect for the man for doing his best to remove drugs from all sports. I also don't have a problem with him as the head of WADA. WADA is supposed to be an organization dedicated to making sports fair. Sometimes, that means butting a few heads.
posted by Lester at 05:52 PM on December 30, 2006
And this still isn't news, it is still rumor. Well, it's news to me.
posted by Lester at 02:50 PM on December 30, 2006
Now, I'm not a big T.O. fan in the first place. In fact, I think he talks waaay too much and could do with a little humility. However, if spitting in another player's face is the worst thing he does this season, then I can accept that. The thing that bothers me, though, is that some people are making a big deal out of this and yet I remember hearing very little when Haynesworth (from the Titans) stomped on the bare head of a player lying on the ground. Get real, people. Now, I am not saying Haynesworth is really a bad guy, either becuase he seemed really sorry for what he did. But to ignore that and make a big deal out of a little spitting incident is like making a mountain out of molehill. Plus, Hill makes himself look like whiny bitch by taking this to the media and not to T.O. himself. Most people would call the guy or confront him. Hall has to whine about it to a, probably local, reporter.
posted by Lester at 05:41 PM on December 17, 2006
Hank was great, one of the best ever, but there's only one BEST. Yeah, and that's Ted Williams. There's no way that Selig or anyone else is going to add an asterix (or anything else) to Barry's record. Bonds' plays in an era when other players also take steroids, but Barry just happens to be the only one going for Hank Aaron's record. Can you imagine the kind of stats Ken Griffey, Jr. would have if he took sterioids. Mark McGwire broke Roger Maris' record while taking something that now is banned by MLB. MLB has fostered this era of steroid use by ignoring it. Let's not blame Barry for taking advantage of the situation.
posted by Lester at 02:17 PM on May 25, 2006
I must confess that my ignorance of the cable provider situation in the U.S. had led me to believe that folks in the U.S. were not, and never would be, into hockey that much. However, now I begin to wonder if that is the case. Everyone in Canada (even those who don't have cable) can pick up CBC on t.v. or radio. Therefore, everyone in Canada gets Hockey Night in Canada on Saturdays. My dad tells me that there was only minimal interest in the NHL in Vancouver before the Canucks came along. In 1972, Vancouver now had an NHL team, and a hockey game on national t.v. (although usually an eastern game). It's no wonder that MLB and the NFL want to create their own television networks. If the NHL could get on every Saturday night in the U.S. on one of the Big Three networks (Fox is out b/c it seems like a lot of their stations are only available if you have cable), then maybe we could create a high level of interest in hockey in the U.S. Of course, the problem is that the networks want those high ratings before they will commit to showing hockey during prime-time. It's like a mouse chasing a cat.
posted by Lester at 01:31 PM on May 23, 2006
Brand strategy
I can appreciate that all of you are passionate about the game of baseball, most especially TCS. However,... is just a game. The Bonds ball doesn't signify anything of great historical importance. The only people who will even know about Barry Bonds 100 years from now will be dedicated baseball fans. Some have said that the ball is an important part of history. I disagree. It certainly can't be considered a "historical artifact." A historical artifact is something like the Declaration of Independence or the Magna Carta. Sure, they are just pieces of paper with wrting on them. However, they signify a dramatic change in the world. Barry Bonds' can't even be considered to have impacted the steroids issue, never mind caused a change in anything, since it had already begun before his guilt or innocence became a question. I agree that the significance of the asterick on the ball is important to baseball. But don't fool yourselves into thinking that the rest of the free world knows, or even cares, about this issue at all.