Member since: | January 24, 2006 |
Last visit: | May 24, 2007 |
stickman has posted 0 links and 11 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
why don't you just say the bull pen blew a good pitched game. What a bunch of idiots. Both sides.
posted by stickman at 01:16 PM on December 05, 2007
Mariotti is just like all of you; writes his garbage and hope someone reads it.
posted by stickman at 05:40 PM on October 03, 2007
They don't knock you out, your in the twilight zone, you can even watch it on a tv. I wish I had one earlier. I got colon cancer, could have been prevented , if I just took a little time out.
posted by stickman at 05:08 PM on June 14, 2007
Buy your World Series tickets now!
posted by stickman at 08:58 AM on November 20, 2006
There should be 2 lists, one for the leagues with 8 teams each, with musial, berra, dimaggio, spahn, and one for the watered down version we see today.
posted by stickman at 07:28 AM on October 07, 2006
It was a beautiful punch! I bet catchers everywhere drank a toast to that one. I bet Yogi had something to say.
posted by stickman at 06:45 PM on May 21, 2006
He's in the American League..what's to manage?
posted by stickman at 06:52 PM on April 28, 2006
After he was hit on the head with a fastball he went downhill. His head swelled up. He couldn't get a base hit with a man on second..he had to hit a homerun..needless to say, he struck out..again and again. He would hit a deep fly to his little hop and almost get thrown out at second. He wouldn't bat 6th..because HE WAS SAMMY SOSA and that would be beneath him. He walked out of the last game of the season..maybe because he was getting booed. Fans got tired of him striking out with men in scoring position. He cried when he wasn't picked up in a limo in baltimore. The Hall? He would only go if his name was on the door.
posted by stickman at 06:29 AM on February 16, 2006
"The chief executive officer of Tribune Company says he won't hesitate to sell the naming rights to Wrigley Field
I've been a Cub fan for over 50 years. If your not a true Cubs fan you will never understand. That's all..........As Ernie said "Lets play two"