Name: | Roger Kuhl |
Member since: | January 23, 2006 |
Last visit: | March 23, 2006 |
kuhlman has posted 0 links and 3 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
The post headline says "...Jazz to deal Fisher to Warriors for...". That is bass-ackwards.
posted by kuhlman at 04:44 PM on July 06, 2006
There is no doubt about the excessive greed of this particular fan. However, the Pats organization could have immediately published a reasonable reward of, say, season tickets or signed jerseys or something. Major League Baseball has provided ample precedent for this fan's greedy actions. (That does not make it any less excessive.) Following the baseball examples it would not have been surprising if two (or more) fans fought over this football in the stands and were now suing each other for possession!
posted by kuhlman at 03:19 PM on January 31, 2006
It's All About The Benjamins Baby
This thread is hilarious! In my line of work my customers almost always read our first proposal and fixed price offer and say 'no way! - we're not paying you that! Get outa here'. Then we negotiate a contract together with all of its work scope, budget, terms and conditions, milestone payment schedule, incentives, disincentives, etc. Only when that contract is agreed upon and executed do we start work. There's no greedy this or greedy that. Neither us nor our customers discuss single moms or joe six packs. It's business!