Name: | Thornton Forrester |
Member since: | January 06, 2006 |
Last visit: | February 06, 2006 |
thdaplumber1 has posted 0 links and 3 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
Hey people!! Face it, the Marlins suck, they've always sucked, and they probably always will suck. Sorry to break the news
posted by thdaplumber1 at 09:47 AM on March 04, 2006
What a joke MLB will be if Bonds gets the HR title! Or if they let him take it. It that's the case, then they should freely distribute steroids to all the players. You keep it fair. If anyone remembers the start of his career he was more of an average hitter than a hr hitter(by the way just like Peyton Manning....can't win the big one). Then like magic he's some huge bohemouth cranking 1 hr out of every 4 at bats. What a bunch of crap! By the way...I don't think Hank Arron or the Babe ever took steroids to get their titles. It's not a matter of him being an ass either. I look at it as an unfair advantage to the younger players who want to compete with these veterans who are pretty much allowed to pump themselves up on steroids. My opinion is that all of these jackasses that were warned and repromanded actually pay the price that Pete Rose had to pay and take them right out of the record books. Never mind the asteric. They don't even deserve that! And yes, Bonds is a poor excuse of a man, but that's ok because when his little peepee shrivles up into a raisin he can open up the record book and be proud that he broke the record by cheating!
posted by thdaplumber1 at 10:02 AM on January 18, 2006
Pokey Reese is Missing
Oh, I forgot to mention.....If I were a Marlins fan, I think I'd rather have gumby than pokey on my team.....they'd get more production