Name: | patrick melling |
Member since: | December 25, 2005 |
Last visit: | June 01, 2007 |
ilryes has posted 0 links and 2 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
First of all...NO college team is playing on New Years day, they're not having a bowl game on New Years day. To the decision makers I say, thank you for keeping the tradition that is older than ALL the network execs,(or corperate entertainment moguls) alive. As for Michigan, Lloyde Carr is only keeping the attitude and mentallity of the legendary Bo alive. Every referee, annouuncer, and now, the BCS , is out to get poor Michigan. And why wouldn't they feel that way? They consistantly get a top 5 recruiting class. Great facilities! So it couldn't be coaching could it. It's got to be them. Them are...Media, Notre Dame, Ohio state, Michigan State, the weather, or the Pope. Quit your Damn whining Carr...we're disgusted with it. Get some class, work harder, if that doesn't work, then accept that you are not quite the coach and leader Michigan needs!
posted by ilryes at 10:24 AM on December 25, 2005
George Foreman claims he was doped prior to the "Rumble in the Jungle"
Fact is is the "Rumble in the jungle" we're discussing, the "thrilla in Manilla", was with Frazier(forgive my spelling). I also have heard big George mention that he didn't feel "normal" during the fight. I do believe something was wrong with Foreman. NOONE could take those punches in the body from a man as powerful as Foreman. Frazier was there, and he couldn't believe Ali was weathering the body shots as well and easily as he was. His response was ,"he(Ali) wouldn't be able to do that against Marciano". Well truthfully, he shouldn't have been able to sustain the punches from a healthy Foreman either. Weather it was Ali's skill or Foremans sickness....we will really never know