biohazrd18's profile

Location: Cincinnati
Gender: Alien from Mars
Social Media Account: biohazrd18 (AIM)
Member since: October 27, 2005
Last visit: April 21, 2006

biohazrd18 has posted 1 link and 2 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.

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posted by to at 11:03 PM on July 26, 2024 - comments

Recent Comments

2 Eagles players condemed because they love the Lord

i say way to go tra!!!!

posted by biohazrd18 at 06:31 PM on October 27, 2005

Saints to LA?

drevl and HATER got it right L.A. should'nt have another team. let the fans whine about and then maybe they'll want to support a team in a year or two.

posted by biohazrd18 at 05:24 PM on October 27, 2005