Call me a unilateralist xenophobe or whatnot, but I still prefer our traditional good old American cheating scandals to these newfangled Olympic ones. I mean, when there's been some college basketball point-fixing situation or fixed World Series games, at least the players get a few bucks and I know why it happened: filthy lucre. In the Olympics, the athletes don't even know what's going on and it's about some strange ice-dancing related national glory. Advantage: USA!
posted by Ken Goldstein at 02:47 PM on February 16, 2002
Call me a unilateralist xenophobe or whatnot, but I still prefer our traditional good old American cheating scandals to these newfangled Olympic ones. I mean, when there's been some college basketball point-fixing situation or fixed World Series games, at least the players get a few bucks and I know why it happened: filthy lucre. In the Olympics, the athletes don't even know what's going on and it's about some strange ice-dancing related national glory. Advantage: USA!