Bruce Lee is and was the greatest martial artist ever. Better than the master chojun miyagi, tatsuo shimabuku, gichen funakoshi, all of them. Bruce Lee never competed in martial arts tournaments becasue there is no point. Dont ever question his ability to fight though becasue in his adult years, and teen years, e never lost a fight, he beat up triads in his teeneage years. He is definitly better than helio or royce gracie or any other MMA or FCF. He invented probably the most practical style to date. A style which based on street fighting and its philosophies. This man could knock a 250lb. man on his ass with a punch only 1inch away. He could break a dangling board with a jump kick. He was a martial arts prodigy and its only a shame that he couls live to finish what he was destined to do.
Bruce Lee - film star or sportsman?
Bruce Lee is and was the greatest martial artist ever. Better than the master chojun miyagi, tatsuo shimabuku, gichen funakoshi, all of them. Bruce Lee never competed in martial arts tournaments becasue there is no point. Dont ever question his ability to fight though becasue in his adult years, and teen years, e never lost a fight, he beat up triads in his teeneage years. He is definitly better than helio or royce gracie or any other MMA or FCF. He invented probably the most practical style to date. A style which based on street fighting and its philosophies. This man could knock a 250lb. man on his ass with a punch only 1inch away. He could break a dangling board with a jump kick. He was a martial arts prodigy and its only a shame that he couls live to finish what he was destined to do.