Member since: | February 16, 2007 |
Last visit: | February 21, 2007 |
racing-eagle has posted 0 links and 3 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
I've never been to Daytona, sad to say, but attended the Indy 500 from 1980-to 1995. I have to say that most years the Saturday antics on Georgetown road and the Snake Pit (gone but not forgotten) on race day were better shows than the race, with a couple of great exceptions. NASCAR on the other hand, with a few races here and there always puts on a great race with a lot better attitude towards the fan. Tony George made the best decision of his career when he scheduled the Brickyard 400.
posted by racing-eagle at 12:06 PM on February 17, 2007
Formula 1 governance better than NASCAAR??? Three words, USGP Indianapolis Michelin. On 'cheatin'- It's a shame that what used to be a fun part of NASCAR has now become a media fueled crisis of credibility. I guess this comes with the territory of mega-buck teams and competition for sponsorship. The good ol' boys are all but gone, replaced by the fast and the furious. O well, from defeat comes opportunity- I can see it now. OXY-JET, instant horsepower banned by NASCAR but now available for your car...only at NAPA!!
posted by racing-eagle at 09:31 AM on February 16, 2007
Martin finds himself odd man out ... again
Well, it is a 'racing league' not a rules league. Once the green flag drops its up to the drivers to settle it on the track so I'm 100% behind NASCAR putting using judgement and the legacy of their sport to call the finish at Daytona. I was cheering for Mark but he was true to his own legacy too. When Harvick pinched him down off the last turn he gave him room and let him keep his momentum, the true gentleman racer. Tony Stewart, et. al, and even Harvick himself would not have done that and we might have seen a finish like Kurt Bush and Ricky Craven at Darlington a few years back. As DW once said, wreck or win...not Mark Martin. He got the Mr. Congeniality trophy and kept his car...Harvick won the 500...with an emphasis on won!