gamejockey99's profile

Name: John Brassfield
Location: BayAreaAnkleBreakas
ZIP: 95070
Gender: the kid in the MAN
Member since: March 31, 2006
Last visit: May 24, 2006

gamejockey99 has posted 1 link and 5 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.

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posted by to at 06:11 PM on October 23, 2024 - comments

Recent Comments

Soprano's star, Vito, talks about his sports betting problem forcing him to Hollywood

where do you think I found the "contact us" it wasn't a page link, its an audio file. My bad judgement. I don't want to tell sportsfilter how to run there site- it's where I get most of my sports news. But maybe they could pick it up on their user relations. again, sorry jersey.

posted by gamejockey99 at 07:18 PM on April 26, 2006

Packers reach agreement with Charles Woodson

I have no problem with GB, but Woodson was a let down in Oakland. He's not going to help them, he's seizing an opportunity to make more money. Smart business move- not very sportsman, but look at the state of professional sports.

posted by gamejockey99 at 07:08 PM on April 26, 2006

Soprano's star, Vito, talks about his sports betting problem forcing him to Hollywood

you're right, pocahontus. There is a "contact us" that apparently sportsfilter does not use. Are we going to argue this?

posted by gamejockey99 at 07:04 PM on April 26, 2006

Soprano's star, Vito, talks about his sports betting problem forcing him to Hollywood

you know what. I have had my site for a long time. I sent you guys a private message about this and never got a response from you. I apologize for the un-intended self promotion, go ahead and delete it if you want. Vito is a popular star right now. I didn't mean anything malicious.

posted by gamejockey99 at 06:46 PM on April 26, 2006

Packers reach agreement with Charles Woodson

woodson will never be the same. I think he's just looking for somewhere to go to make some cash while he can still play ball.

posted by gamejockey99 at 06:06 PM on April 26, 2006