ARod WTF?: AskSpoFi: ARod's baseball IQ? [more inside]
posted by geekyguy to navel gazing at 04:19 PM - 10 comments
World Cup question: How is C.Ronaldo's actions in the England-Portugal semifinal not seen as mental gamesmanship a la Michael Jordan? Is this just an example of how differently Americans approach sporting?
posted by geekyguy to navel gazing at 08:55 PM - 60 comments
ask.spofi: Home team advantage?: What are some of the different home team advantages in various sports? In the NFL the home(?) team can choose the jersey color. In the NBA the opening direction can be dictated by the visitor(?). NHL? College sports?
posted by geekyguy to navel gazing at 07:36 PM - 27 comments
Broken Logo?: The SportsFilter logo on the front page no longer works as a link. It appears to be fine everywhere else. What gives? [+]
posted by geekyguy to bugs at 11:57 PM - 15 comments
New Members: As the new member count is climbing the behavior of new members seems to be declining.... [mi]
posted by geekyguy to navel gazing at 11:50 PM - 88 comments