Recent Locker Room Posts by nacho

July 30, 2002

I sent this off to admin@sportsfilter a couple of days ago, but maybe folks want to weigh in on it:

i was thinking of adding sportsfilter's rss feed to a site i co-administer, so i did.

but then i noticed that the titles of the posts are in the form of "posted by name to category at date/time". doesn't seem the most descriptive. since drupal just displays the title by default, it doesn't really give incentive to click for more. is there any way the titles of your posts could be descriptive? it seems like the link at the beginning of each post usually contains words that are the *actual* title of the post.

for example, "Kournikova wins!", not "posted by worldcup2002 to Tennis at 2:56 PM CST".

that's all i got. great site.

posted by nacho to feature requests at 05:08 PM - 2 comments