I am surprised no one brought up the fact that the tragedy is that horses shouldn't have a saddle on their backs.
posted by doggstarr at 09:20 PM on May 20, 2006
I met Floyd once at a Golden Gloves event and though I was only about 12 at the time He took the time to talk to me and gave me his autograph. A wonderful man he was, left an impression on me to this day. My prayers go out to his family. Thank you Floyd.
posted by doggstarr at 10:15 PM on May 11, 2006
What Lebron is about to find out is that Detroits defense is not as soft as Washingtons. A couple of hard fouls inside should slow his game up a bit.
posted by doggstarr at 09:21 PM on May 07, 2006
If I played as bad as he did in the Devils series I'd have a drink too.
posted by doggstarr at 01:32 PM on May 04, 2006
oh and no Bill Walton?
posted by doggstarr at 07:49 AM on April 30, 2006
I vote for Mike Fratellos terrible hairpiece
posted by doggstarr at 07:49 AM on April 30, 2006
He might be back in the World Series this year too.
posted by doggstarr at 09:18 PM on April 28, 2006
I wonder if McGuire played long enough and passed Ruth would Selig be there.
posted by doggstarr at 07:53 PM on April 27, 2006
The Mets knew when they hired him that he was prone to off the wall comments That's why he is there.
posted by doggstarr at 09:49 PM on April 24, 2006
if Chicago scored 17 points they had a great day. That won't get it done.
posted by doggstarr at 10:45 PM on April 22, 2006
Through Chicago?
posted by doggstarr at 09:41 PM on April 22, 2006
This is a great pickup for the Giants and yes it does put them closer to a Super Bowl shot.
posted by doggstarr at 08:43 PM on April 22, 2006
Man, My Rangers blew it last night.
posted by doggstarr at 10:14 AM on April 19, 2006
I keep hearing cards every year yet no championships,,, and they get walked on in the world series
posted by doggstarr at 10:31 PM on April 15, 2006
The Mets are for real.
posted by doggstarr at 06:15 PM on April 15, 2006
I'm from New York. We don't avoid any words here. If I called myself a Dick ummmm will it stand up?
posted by doggstarr at 10:36 PM on April 11, 2006
This one is simple, if you remove most of the candidates from their teams those teams would still make the playoffs or at least finish close. If you take Lebron away from the Cavs they are a last place team. I think that qualifies him as most valuable.
posted by doggstarr at 10:23 PM on April 11, 2006
I've seen Papa Francos workouts, I doubt Guillen could take him. I never really understood what people wanted Pedro to do with Zimmer. If he turned his back on him, Zimmer would have hit him. If he tries to get away from Zim, He would get called a pussy. He was in a no win situation and in the heat of battle I would have knocked that old man on his ass also.
posted by doggstarr at 10:23 PM on April 10, 2006
At least they won't be going back to play in the shopping mall, I mean Hartford Civic Center and oh yeah,, what happens to the Hartford Wolfpack then?
posted by doggstarr at 07:51 PM on April 07, 2006
I saw the game. I guess the elbow Collins caught in the face must have been my imagination. I've watched Shaq abuse and bloody people over the years and get no calls so to hear him cry now is hilarious. Side note: Nets will beat the Heat if they meet in the playoffs
posted by doggstarr at 07:45 PM on April 07, 2006
Cheetah? oh I thought you said cheater,,,,, My bad
posted by doggstarr at 12:25 AM on March 27, 2006
Wow, I just saw the crash. My heart goes out to his family. Incredibly the driver of the car he hit suffered only cuts and bruises.
posted by doggstarr at 11:29 PM on March 26, 2006
What a great game. Congrats to George Mason.
posted by doggstarr at 09:20 PM on March 26, 2006
A great pickup for the Panthers. He'll take some of the heat off Smith and go over the middle for the difficult balls. I wish the Giants would have signed him.
posted by doggstarr at 07:33 AM on March 26, 2006
Isiah Thomas didn't have a good track record even before this hire. I think his claim to fame as GM was probably drafting Vince Carter when with the Raptors. The situation will not improve because with all talk of trading Marbury who the hell is gonna take him and his contract. Everywhere he has been (Minesota, Phoenix, Jersey) they've won after he was gone. Larry Brown has also done a terrible job coaching. Its obvious he doesn't like this team and will do anything to undermine Isiah. His track record speaks for itself also, he has never finished a contract anywhere and has burned bridges in more places than Marbury. The Knicks played harder and better for Herb Williams last year. Don't be surprised if Larry's dream job is really Isiahs GM position with Herb takin over as coach next year. The only bright spot is the 3 rookies, Channing gets the publicity, Nate won the slam dunk but I think David Lee will be the best of the lot. Manhattan is the island of under achieving over paid misfits. A scrap heap for the rest of the league. Highest payroll and worst record is definitely not a good combination. That said, I 'll continue to cheer and scream at the TV for my Knicks and look across the river at the Nets when I want to see some real basketball,
posted by doggstarr at 10:25 PM on March 25, 2006
Where did I say anything about Bush being the one to break ties with Cuba? *goes and gets a history book, sits down and reads, gets out my dictionary and looks up the word "ignorant",, looks up at the posts* Nah,, thats too easy
posted by doggstarr at 10:16 AM on March 25, 2006
He donates what to charity? ummmm Cubas prize money?? What Money? ummmm let me guess this one again ummm Cubas prize money? C'mon M.A.N. put the flag down and read the article. I never said he came out ahead , just that he was grandstanding and Baseball/US played right along. Oh yeah , I got your McFly and you can pull it down to get to my McDick * Second Note* This is why I don't get political
posted by doggstarr at 04:04 AM on March 25, 2006
Fidel knew he wouldn't get the money, so donates it to charity. (Great public relations ploy). Bush as usual welcomes the chance to make himself look like an ass and says no to the money. (doesn't think anyone is watching) . Fidel rides off looking again like a martyr and the US like assholes. *note* I try so hard to not get political
posted by doggstarr at 12:28 AM on March 25, 2006
I always thought "Incest in The Fishbowl" would be a good album name
posted by doggstarr at 06:37 PM on March 23, 2006
Sorry to hear of her passing. I spent many saturday mornings with my dad watchin her and The Bombers.
posted by doggstarr at 01:30 AM on March 23, 2006
A few have defected to Costa Rica to avoid the draft
posted by doggstarr at 01:02 AM on March 23, 2006
when I am home eating that fish I wouldn't care if I hooked her ass
posted by doggstarr at 12:46 AM on March 23, 2006
Tired of hearing about the timing of the WBC, that it was spring training for Major Leaguers. If you took representing your country seriously come in shape a month earlier. If you put the best US team out there it wouldn't have turned out much different due to the fascination with the long ball. The White Sox game evolved because of a Venezuelan manager playing small ball, the way baseball was played before ESPN.
posted by doggstarr at 09:38 PM on March 21, 2006
Fish gonna fry in the kitchen
posted by doggstarr at 09:29 PM on March 21, 2006
Fidel Castro kept his best players at home because he feared defection and they still made it to the finals. What does it say when only one starting player (Ichiro) from both teams is in the Major Leagues?
posted by doggstarr at 06:52 AM on March 21, 2006
Uconn and George Washingtons losses today along with Dukes latest woes prove that this years tournament is pretty much up for grabs.
posted by doggstarr at 07:10 PM on March 09, 2006
No wonder Andrei has quietly put up great numbers during his career. He plays in the nba and his wife is a freak. Isn't that the American Dream?
posted by doggstarr at 01:47 AM on March 04, 2006
what makes Nate Robinson more impressive is that he played cornerback also at the Univ of Washington. He has tried to start a fight with a 7 footer in practice and had to be restrained from going after Malik Rose at 6 ft 8,,,,, gotta love his intensity
posted by doggstarr at 09:35 PM on February 19, 2006
Nate Robinsons win will be the highlight of the Knicks season and will probably earn him an endorsement deal somewhere.
posted by doggstarr at 07:51 AM on February 19, 2006
I've been sitting here thinking over and over for a worse choice than Theisman and I can't come up with one. If LT hadn't broken his leg maybe he wouldn't come across as the bitter person he seems to be. Tony K should keep Theismans blood boiling which could be fun I just feel bad for Tirico.
posted by doggstarr at 01:00 PM on February 08, 2006
Isiah never had a track record of building a team. This is a good move for the Knicks but it doesn't offset all the bad moves allready made.Larry Brown needs to check his ego, so does Stephon The Knick core is getting younger which is good for the future but for right now I have to look across the river to the Nets if I want to see halfway decent basketball.
posted by doggstarr at 12:30 AM on February 08, 2006
It just goes to show again that money is everything. I want to see how quick yankee fans embrace somebody they passionately booed for the last few years. During this season I brought it to the attention of a few yankee fan friends of mine that Damon would be there centerfielder next year. All I got was the "no way", " I don't want him on my team", and other deregatory remarks. Those same friends called me today with "hey man, we got Johnny Damon and praised not only the move but Damon. The sad part of it is that living in New York and being in Yankee country it doesn't surprise me.
posted by doggstarr at 10:41 PM on December 20, 2005
Watch how quick he gets a haircut and a shave.
posted by doggstarr at 10:34 PM on December 20, 2005
Barbaro pulls up lame in Preakness
trolling?,, nah,, just a quick thought was all. Just because horses have been saddled for thousands of years doesn't make it right in my opinion.