I was rubbing it in on my buddy who is a true blue fan and then the Irish took a thumping! Man, what a jip! It was going to be text message mayhem, one ringing wonders! Instead I had to call and say we're even! Damn!
posted by blackdog1968 at 11:51 PM on September 01, 2007
Safe to say that he won't be picked on!
posted by blackdog1968 at 09:20 PM on October 07, 2006
"25-million reasons to stay alive" Classy, very classy! She must have been an associate of Sugar's (jerry mac ref)
posted by blackdog1968 at 07:13 PM on September 27, 2006
Good luck! No matter how much he tries to explain this away the media already set everything in motinon by sensationalizing the incident. Personally I don't give a rat's ass about Terrell or the Cowboys, but this is going to be with him for the rest of his life now. The guy could win 4 Superbowl mvp's but someone will always remind him of Dallas and this incident.
posted by blackdog1968 at 07:11 PM on September 27, 2006
It saddens me to see athletes/people like this throw everything away. I am a die hard steelers fan and will not say anything negative about Thurman or Terrell Owens (abbreviated names don't do it for me! Right BenRo!) I just hope that both of these people seek help of some kind. They are both tremendous athletes. Good Luck to both of these men and God Bless.
posted by blackdog1968 at 07:05 PM on September 27, 2006
I must admit that when berman came out with the nicknames and the noises i thought they were funny. Now, it is just plain sad! Even more so when Jackson chimes in with his noises as well. And yes, i did watch stu with his poetry for about a tenth of a second and changed it. I miss the days of keith olberman and craig kilborn as well. (Sigh...)
posted by blackdog1968 at 09:27 PM on November 29, 2005
ah, tio ah'm sawry, thought it was mah unkuhl. T ah O is ah wondahful man who is ah misundahstood. Yah know he was from dah hood. He was just ah upset, but now, he's ah filled with ah regret. Ah vote for me, ah in 2003! ah wait ah minute, that's ah already passed, but back to mah ah tio, ah mean T ah O. The man has ah class. Yuh can't vote in 2003, ah that's ah ok with me. Let the man play and ah vote for me the next ah elecshun day. ah thank you. All this is, is a shameless attempt by both people to remain in the spotlight. One is an has been politician who made the same mistake by referring to jews in a manner that was politically incorrect. The other one just wanted all the attention and didn't know when to shut up until it was too late. I hope the media does not give these two "it's all about me" the attention that they are so desperately craving.
posted by blackdog1968 at 08:05 PM on November 14, 2005
Just a shoutout to all of our armed service forces throughout the world. Thank you for doing a job which ensures our freedom as well as the freedom of our children. War is never popular and it is very easy for us to pick, point, and criticize those who make the decisions and those who are asked to carry out those orders. But without yankee, and all the other veterans from the world war I to the current conflict(s), would we be able to enjoy the freedoms that we have now? All of the veterans and current soldiers have my undying respect for doing a job that I know damn well i could not do. Courage, Honor, Liberty. God Bless You All! Come home safe!
posted by blackdog1968 at 08:42 PM on November 12, 2005
Barry Bonds offers to play for free.
With all that has happened since the steroid scandal, it is still amazing to me that Bonds is still around trying to pedal his services. He is a great player, no doubt about it, but the others have all dropped out or retired, Sosa, Macgwire, Canseco,..etc. With out the conviction and trial date looming, I am mildly surprised that no one has made an offer for bonds services. He can still hit the ball, why not take a chance and see what happens?