ahh good old chuck cecil!he was no good after they banned those helmet to helmet hits.as for the majik man he will only be remebered as the guy before favre.im the biggest favre fan in the world but im afraid this is it for good ole number 4 its about time to pack it in.go pack go
posted by InamedmykidBRETT at 10:15 AM on September 26, 2005
i havent been this excited since the preimer of rudy!go irish go!
posted by InamedmykidBRETT at 05:34 PM on September 13, 2005
indeed are pack is in big trouble without Javon,but even with an above average offense we were gonna have problems with that defense.did anybody see ahmad carrolls 4 penelties,gimmie a break get rid of him
posted by InamedmykidBRETT at 05:30 PM on September 13, 2005
Two Vikings claim discrimination.
doesn't everyone know that they found a dna strain in all human beings that can be traced back to a man in africa a longtime ago who probably started the human race which means were all brothers(no pun intended)all related.i guess you can say were all black men,so with that i just wanna say that the next time i get fired or something happens to me instead of blaming it on myself and taking resposibility for my own actions i'm gonna say"hey it must be because im black"then continue to file a lawsuit!Yeah baby America rules