guess it all over for this year but the cry'n
posted by GBFan at 02:37 PM on February 04, 2006
Hey if thats your job and you need it (the weight) to perform then let them be as they will be. But its there choice to stay that big after they are done playing at 30-36 years old. They should have enough sense to lose it then and get down to a respectable weight and if they don't then its there own fault at that time. You can't police everything, people have to be responsible for there own actions
posted by GBFan at 06:52 PM on January 31, 2006
"Thompson needs to be the one to go" come on JH you said it all after that. Seattle has a great team and why? Because of Thompson he made the team for them thats what a GM does. Now lets hope he can do it in GB as well. Thompson stays, Sherman gone!
posted by GBFan at 06:23 PM on January 02, 2006
Sherman needed to go, look what he did the last 5 years as GM and what he had to work with. His draft choices sucked and now it showed this year after we lost a few players we had no replacements that could step up. My guess Farve comes back one more year, maybe two and the Pack hires Mariucci who he will play for. The Pack drops running back Green, drafts a wide out first round because on one can tell if Walker can play up to his one year of greatness again and he trade for another wideout to give Farve something to throw to. The pack has the running backs we need but one more would not hurt.
posted by GBFan at 02:59 PM on January 02, 2006
What gets me is when these baby over pay'd players dance around when they make a simple tackle or catch a pass. Is that not their job? then on the next play the same LB or Lineman has his jock blown off by some running back. They should then stand in the middle of the field and point to themselfs and say its was my fault and let the fans cheer/boo them for that as well. Same with the wide outs when they let a pass tip of their fingers that they should have caught. If they want the good, then they should stand up and take the bad as well. The game is turning into to many I's and not many we's. When was the last time one of these over pay'd babys held and press meeting and said they played so bad that they where going to give back that weeks pay? Never will happen, But catch or run over a 1000 yards and then hold out for more money. The NFL is going down the Sh*ter and these babys are going with it.
posted by GBFan at 09:28 AM on December 30, 2005
Farve is one of the greatest QB's to play the game and his numbers prove it. His yardage, touchdowns, starts puts him either number one or two all time in the NFL. It can be said that the packers problems are the players that where hurt but its really not the truth. Perhaps Walker could have had another year like the last but who knows if he would have or will ever have again now that he has been hurt and out for a whole year. Green played the first 5-6 games and didnt do a thing before hye was hurt. The reason the Packers are where they are is because of the Coach, Mike Sherman. He was fired as Gm last year after 5 seasons and the team shows it. Now he has to go as Coach as well. He may be a great week day coach, but on game day he is not. Farve can stay, Sherman, Walker and Green can go. Faulk Should play as long as he likes, How would you like being told you are washed up in your 30's
posted by GBFan at 07:43 PM on December 29, 2005
sjtfireman calling my heart doctor an idiot was over the top. He is one of the top rated cardiology doctors in northen WI. Enough said about him. I agree that moving is better then sitting but if you do not walk 30 min. straight or more at a time it really does not do anything for you health wise. Even swinging a club is not much exercise if you look at the hits you make. If you play 9 holes and shoot a 4 over 40, in the 40 you have somewhere around 15-18 putts so that leaves you with around 22 club hits 15 are with an iron and 7 are with woods. of the 15 irons about 8 are wedges, so really you have about 14 hard hits between your woods and irons. In a 2 1/2 hour 9 hole round you hit a ball every 6-7 min. So even that has lag time between the shots, not like pumping iron or some other forms of exercise where you are doing it straight in reps or for a time.
posted by GBFan at 03:18 PM on September 16, 2005
I ask my doctor once if golf was good exercise if you walked. He told me no, too much standing around and not moving so that just confirmed to me that you should ride a cart on the course and not walk.
posted by GBFan at 08:56 AM on September 16, 2005
Tainted Steel
Its time to stop the cry'n and get over it guys. Better luck next year to your teams, I know mine could use some.