cant wait til they add a real sport like errr...uhhh....bikini snatching....yea thats the ticket...and maybe mud wrestling
posted by wannabeacowboybaby at 11:01 PM on July 27, 2005 he going to play video games while he walks...since the youth of america apparently think that is a sport....pleeeeease tell me he wont be wearing spandex!
posted by wannabeacowboybaby at 10:43 PM on July 24, 2005
I hope some safety blows both his knees out and ends this loudmouths waste of on air time
posted by wannabeacowboybaby at 12:17 AM on July 23, 2005
Too Much Time - Too Much Beer -
wow!..punched out by a kicker?..were there women in this bar?..what kid of bouncer gets hit by a guy that hasnt hit anything for three weeks!