Randy Hill used to have a cooking show on PBS. WHo is this guy. YEah the cards play in SDS but hey they finally got a State of the art facility coming. Cards in 05' . Plus they have one of the best receiving cores in teh league. This guy was just bored.
posted by Astroheat442 at 03:27 PM on August 11, 2005
Hey i believed him from the beginning. Juiced 2- They even juiced my balls. SO round two should be one hell of a ride.
posted by Astroheat442 at 03:14 PM on August 11, 2005
Hey it just goes to show we are no longer the wankers that the english think we are.
posted by Astroheat442 at 10:49 AM on July 20, 2005
That is one weird story, maybe we can start one here but we would probably be sued by some human rights organization like the guys who did "Bum Fights".
posted by Astroheat442 at 10:48 AM on July 20, 2005
He doesn't get to choose it will be Texas, i don't know him as an O he is a Ranger. ANd being from teh great state of Texas i would not have it any other way.
posted by Astroheat442 at 02:51 PM on July 15, 2005
wfrazerjr----- I agree with you, I never would turn on a game to see "Raffie". I mean in my mind there are players that don't have his numbers but i feel are better "players". You can crunch numbers all day but i really don't think "Raffie" will be remembered as an all time great.
posted by Astroheat442 at 02:45 PM on July 15, 2005
Yeah, but really there are a lot better players that are already eligible that get the shaft because someone hit 3000 hits or 500 HR or both. ANd i know no matter how much i argue he will still get in.
posted by Astroheat442 at 02:22 PM on July 15, 2005
People have got in for doing less the baseball hall of fame is to lenient. They should stiffen requirements to get in. Ryan Sandberg and And Wade boggs both had awesome numbers Sandberg's 9 gold gloves and Bogg's 5 batting title's what rafael got like that nothing, He has played for shit teams, never been MVP or anything like that. I hope that if i stuck around for 15 years that i could do that too. Plus he is a juicer.... Enough Said
posted by Astroheat442 at 01:56 PM on July 15, 2005
People we all know this will keep happening, Even if the League or the government step there will always be people thinking they can beat the system. But as you see most of the people who are getting busted are fairly young players trying to get that extra edge. All these people blaming Players or sports athletes in general for there kids using the Juice are idiots. The drive for people to be the best in what they do will use them. Yeah we all know the side effects of this stuff but they don't care, if it means a free ride in college or that million dollar contract in the pros. So blaming it on the players is ubsurd. Yeah i hate them using it but at least they are getting caught now though.
posted by Astroheat442 at 03:26 PM on July 11, 2005
A venerable baseball tradition continues
Hey it happens. Very risky move but hey it just shows that Pro's become laxidasical running the bases. Good for them to do that and ultimately it saved the game. I hate Florida but i Love the Hidden Ball Trick.