yep been buggin me too.. we had decided he had a glass eye... never knew thanks.... if that's the real story
posted by playball9 at 11:06 PM on November 06, 2005
Every punk like this has a home in Oakland... T.O. and Randy Moss together......
posted by playball9 at 06:11 PM on November 05, 2005
Wow.. I think I seen this hour long Sportcenter
posted by playball9 at 06:01 PM on November 05, 2005
I wonder if mazzone has a rocking chair at home?
posted by playball9 at 11:52 AM on October 22, 2005
Mazzone also kept Smoltz rock solid throughout his entire career. Even when he came out of the pen. This guy had to have left some magic behind. Don't know how long it will last though.
posted by playball9 at 11:51 AM on October 22, 2005
Maybe it's just that there is more cowboy fans in SF than there are SF fans that will show their face.... Even though, for me, the tuna would be more of an embarrassment than the 49ers record last year
posted by playball9 at 11:38 AM on September 27, 2005
Actually I think he said basesball, I don't know what that is, but I do Know BASEBALL is America's pastime.
posted by playball9 at 01:54 PM on September 23, 2005
Everyon has an uncle, or older cousin that look JUST LIKE one of these guys
posted by playball9 at 08:27 AM on September 22, 2005
The yankees don't make the playoffs, BOSTON takes it again, and it is a beautiful fall... it doesn't get any better...
posted by playball9 at 12:48 PM on September 12, 2005
Thank you mcstan, I was getting the same facts together... this schedule sure as hell isn't was I would call 'padded'
posted by playball9 at 12:44 PM on September 12, 2005
The Irish WILL BE undefeated when they play USC, as will USC... oh, and the Irish win too... 27-20. Seriously
posted by playball9 at 11:39 AM on September 12, 2005
This does show, with Weis at the wheel, the Irish can beat anyone. Bring USC into town, the don't want any right now either.
posted by playball9 at 10:29 AM on September 12, 2005
Stephen A. Smith was cool untill he told his studio audience "don't clap" real sarcstically after they began to applaud his mentioning of Bill Parcels It obviously pissed off some people in his studio, you could tell by a few of their reactions..... anyone else catch that?
posted by playball9 at 11:56 AM on September 07, 2005
I was actually interested on the spin ESPN would put on this, and I must say I'm gonna miss Barry Melrose's mullet..
posted by playball9 at 09:06 AM on August 19, 2005
I would much rather watch an infomercial than a stanley cup playoff game....
posted by playball9 at 04:00 PM on August 18, 2005
Maybe the language barrier is to blame... poor guy, kinda makes you wonder if he ever heard of this trick before
posted by playball9 at 02:07 PM on August 11, 2005
Manny is still the man
posted by playball9 at 12:08 PM on July 28, 2005
Someone somehow turned a remark made my Manny into this. I don't buy this Manny wanting out bull because he feeds off of it too much to not like the publicity his private life gets. Plus, Manny is someone everyone can relate to... who hasn't disappeared from their position during a pitching change? or cut off a throw from the outfield... IN the outfield? Manny is still the MAN
posted by playball9 at 10:12 AM on July 27, 2005
What would we do without Goldie?
posted by playball9 at 02:17 PM on July 21, 2005
thanks for the English lesson... I am speaking on behalf of the fans that make nascar what it is... A GROWING, GREAT SPORTING EVENT every time out... The IRL can only hope to get the type of fan base that NASCAR currently has... and the fans that NASCAR has will never buy into anyone named Helio.... The die hard loyal fans that nascar has now are the SAME type of people that the IRL will have to sell their boring cicuit to in order to get to where they want to be with the fans and overall prestige
posted by playball9 at 09:22 AM on July 21, 2005
If the Pirates are competitive, then obviously it will be good for baseball. Cuban doesn't seem to like losing, and doesn't mind shelling out to TRY to win, so i think it will be a good deal all together for Pitt and their fans.
posted by playball9 at 10:38 AM on July 20, 2005
I Think he is trying to figure out what he is going to feed himself to play at the same level he has through his last 5 years... oh, and he's tired
posted by playball9 at 10:30 AM on July 20, 2005
Cuban b0ught the pirates? one little week long vacation, and everything goes to hell
posted by playball9 at 09:13 AM on July 20, 2005
Nascar is exciting... even though some of the fans can't understand some of the drivers slang mixed with a far south accent, these guys are exciting... Indy racing sucks... hell, you can't even pronounce most of the drivers names, this doesn't help any... Indy Racing is BORING PERIOD... and it will NEVER be anywhere near as popular an event as NASCAR. forget about it Casey Kahne Baby !!!!
posted by playball9 at 11:29 AM on July 19, 2005
no matter what rogers does for the remainder of his career, this incident is him... I would like to see him end up like John Rocker... nobody wants him, he grows his hair out trying to disguise himself... and then quits baseball all together... Then maybe he'll open a chain of restaurants selling chicken....
posted by playball9 at 09:43 AM on July 19, 2005
With the exception of the Indy 500, which is still impossible to watch in its entirety.... Indy cars are still boring... even if she wins 5 in a row..... But Danica is Hot
posted by playball9 at 07:39 AM on July 19, 2005
Ron Artest, Dennis Rodman, Kenny Rogers..... now that is some good company huh?
posted by playball9 at 07:25 AM on July 19, 2005
Manny Ramirez is the biggest offensive threat in the AL, or maybe the yankee killer David Ortiz, or how bout Miguel Tejada, Vladdy?, there are a lot more players i would like to have at the plate in a critical situation than the OVERRATED A-ROD. I know that everyone has heard of Cabrera, and he is better than A-Rod on D or O. Plus A-Rod is a wuss. He tried to act like billy bad ass last year when Arroyo come in on him, but it didn't take long to see that he's all talk when Varitek busted him in his big girly head. then he smacked the ball out of a glove like a little bitch.
posted by playball9 at 11:27 AM on July 15, 2005
HOCKEY SUCKS, on any level, ice hockey, hockey on roller blades, hockey in the street, hockey on roller skates, hockey anywhere, anytime, hockey sucks sooo bad, I would like to see air hockey took out of the arcades too... HOCKEY SUCKS PERIOD Play a real sport, baseball, basketball, football, golf, even lacrosse, ping pong, curling is more exciting than hockey, i'd rather have the flu and be puking and crapping at the same time than to watch one second of a highlight from a hockey game I HATE HOCKEY HOCKEY SUCKS
posted by playball9 at 11:00 AM on July 15, 2005
posted by playball9 at 10:50 AM on July 15, 2005
A-ROD is the most overrated player in all of baseball... If you want a young superstar that is playing awesome baseball this early in his career, and still has not got as good as he will be, Miguel Cabrera. He most likely will end up one of the best players the game has ever seen. Write it down.
posted by playball9 at 07:55 AM on July 15, 2005
What a brilliant, simple response Astroheat. I will second that, and also add that HOCKEY SUCKS. I would prefer watching curling.
posted by playball9 at 02:05 PM on July 13, 2005
straight from the bluegrass state... The point made about the kids learning more from these athletes than their parents is EXACTLY right. It is no different than blaming a violent movie for kids shooting up their school, REDICULOUS... these kids are looking for direction and if and when they go the wrong way, it's a sure bet that their parents are not a factor in their lives. The "latin" players, or any international players need to educate THEMSELVES as to what the rules are and what they are putting into their bodies. If they are smart enough to figure out that failure to comply with the rules could destroy their career, then by god they should be smart enough to figure out what the hell they are ingesting. IGNORANCE to the law is no excuse. If they wanted to understand all of the rules clearly and completely, then they should take it upon themselves to do so.
posted by playball9 at 01:24 PM on July 12, 2005
Something Awful weighs in on Kromwell and ESPN.
Still not able to watch Sportcenter when he's (Stuart Scott) hosting. Not even if he was as cool as he thinks he is. Really, really tired years of 'yo' and constant lame attempts at sounding ghetto for whatever reason. Not to mention how irritating, cocky, and arrogant he presents himself hosting eoe's hideous gameshows.