Philly fans appear to loathe and greatly underestimate Reid. Such a hostile atmosphere undoubtedly made it difficult, if not impossible to function. Hope his stay with the Cardinals is a happier and more successful one.
posted by EEEEE at 06:00 PM on January 02, 2013
May Andy Reid's next team go on to win the Super Bowl. It would be fun to see the faces in Philly.
posted by EEEEE at 05:17 PM on December 31, 2012
I am retiring my Jets hoodies until the team starts building a serious offense. This means the exit of the Sanchez and Tebow Follies. Both may be talented, but belong elsewhere. It's high time Coach Ryan gets serious about hiring the right players: those who can score. Mondays spectacle was a horror show and an embarrassment to the game.
posted by EEEEE at 07:12 PM on December 19, 2012
Fun story - now let's not ruin it with political suggestions.
posted by EEEEE at 06:40 PM on September 10, 2012
That's money being taken out of the students hides, and highway robbery. Sandusky is the only person responsible for the atrocity. Let him be fined. Spreading the blame for one man's act is both stupid and unreasonable.
posted by EEEEE at 06:26 PM on July 23, 2012
Paterno was no child molester. He reportedly sank some $4,000,000 of his own money for academic purposes in Penn State, and was instrumental in raising the school from second rate to first. In gratitude for these efforts, the university, in its infinite wisdom, tore down his statue. Hopefully, alumni present and future will consider this meanspiritedness of this action when approached by school fund raisers.
posted by EEEEE at 01:58 AM on July 23, 2012
Why have these "discoveries" surfaced after Paterno died and he can no longer defend himself? Regardless of what he knew or did not know, P was not the one who came upon the predator in action, and who apparently did nothing to put an immediate stop to the proceedings. It's that person who is responsible for the scandal which followed, and none other.
This desire to damage Paterno's good name and reputation is appalling. Refusal to chastise the one who failed to act is unforgivable.
posted by EEEEE at 02:02 PM on July 14, 2012
It's going to take more than a good QB to bring the Sea Hawks up to snuff. A few more wise investments in personnel, however, could make all the difference. It would be good to see them back up there in the coming season.
posted by EEEEE at 05:29 PM on March 19, 2012
And no one threw a flag?
posted by EEEEE at 05:58 PM on January 01, 2012
Time to separate private lives from innate abilities. Best of luck to TW. And yes, we've all seen enough of Favre!
posted by EEEEE at 07:32 PM on December 05, 2011
There's no arguing that Tebow's non ending references to Jesus Christ comes across as annoying at the very least - especially to those who love the game but don't share his faith. However, some variety of football god seems to be helping out since his known abilities come no where near the results. It remains to be seen how the Broncos fare against the Saints, Steelers, Patriots and Co. Should they prevail, it will be time to sit up and take serious notice.
posted by EEEEE at 08:23 PM on November 29, 2011
There's no arguing that Tebow's non ending references to Jesus Christ comes across as annoying at the very least - especially to those who love the game but don't share his faith. However, some variety of football god seems to be helping out since his known abilities come no where near the results. It remains to be seen how the Broncos fare against the Saints, Steelers, Patriots and Co. Should they prevail, it will be time to sit up and take serious notice.
posted by EEEEE at 08:23 PM on November 29, 2011
Everyone is accusing everyone of moral turpitude, and before you know it, everyone will be fired. How about making efforts to fully explore allegations and not make them public until there is solid proof?
And where are the parents in all of this? No one knew? Why the silence? Isn't protecting ones children fashionable any more? Why aren't they being called to account?
posted by EEEEE at 03:52 AM on November 28, 2011
It seems pretty clear that Sandusky is guilty of wrong doing. What is disturbing is that the worm who came upon bad behavior did not put an immediate stop to it and gets to keep his job, while innocent people get fired. When one sees sexual depravity on children taking place one acts. I should know. I was stuck with that job twice. Young people deserve much better, and dismissal of uninvolved people will not make it so.
posted by EEEEE at 06:25 PM on November 15, 2011
It is tragic that the atrocities performed by one monster should land on innocent shoulders. One can only hope that members of the press, whose persistent efforts in wrecking jobs and careers, along with causing needless public humiliation, will one day find the same justice at the hands of their peers.
posted by EEEEE at 03:00 PM on November 09, 2011
Eagles Hire Chip Kelly as Head Coach
I think Chip Kelly will live to regret this move. Hope I'm wrong.