Try winning something...then write about her. I can shoot 3 over on a par 70 course and I play once a month. cover people who deserve the attention Wie all wish Wie could win something, but Wie all can't be Tiger. oh, and by the way, I want to see a birth certificate...remember that amazing little league pitcher who was supposedly 11 or 12 and was really 17 or so. not that it matters cause she still hasn't won a thing!!
Will Wie make history?
Try winning something...then write about her. I can shoot 3 over on a par 70 course and I play once a month. cover people who deserve the attention Wie all wish Wie could win something, but Wie all can't be Tiger. oh, and by the way, I want to see a birth certificate...remember that amazing little league pitcher who was supposedly 11 or 12 and was really 17 or so. not that it matters cause she still hasn't won a thing!!