holden, that would be just like Detroit to go into Boston and win then lose at home giving home court back to the Celtics. Love the Pistons, but, I just don't see them winning this series.
posted by drose92264 at 02:26 PM on May 19, 2008
More the latter than the former.
posted by drose92264 at 02:06 PM on February 25, 2008
Nah, not a writer at all. I just think it's silly putting animals on a list of sporting rivalries. But, as you said chico, they can include/exclude whatever they want. These type of lists are all subjective and I just like to see people get so fired up over something so trivial.
posted by drose92264 at 12:53 PM on February 25, 2008
Since the horses are on the list and their jockeys aren't, why are race car drivers on the list and the cars aren't?
posted by drose92264 at 12:26 PM on February 25, 2008
The article was about INDIVIDUAL SPORTS RIVALRIES Since when are horses individuals?
posted by drose92264 at 12:09 PM on February 25, 2008
Horses? I bet if you could interview them, they would deny any rivalry.
posted by drose92264 at 10:18 AM on February 25, 2008
It doesn't matter the degree of the 'brawl', it's the coaches/parents responsibility to make sure things like this don't happen. If it turns out that any coaches participated in anything other that to break it up, they should be suspended for life.
posted by drose92264 at 09:44 AM on November 27, 2007
Amen 86.
posted by drose92264 at 11:31 AM on November 07, 2007
Not that this would change anything, but, this is the second straight year where a team has clinched the league pennent and had to sit a week or more for the World Series to start. The '06 Tigers and '07 Rockies got steam rolled after being hot and then sitting. With the TV contracts and such, it is probably a necessary evil, but, I think it does a huge disservice to any team in that situation. Just wondering if anyone else thought about this.
posted by drose92264 at 12:06 PM on October 29, 2007
Crash Davis told him to hit the ump.
posted by drose92264 at 07:39 AM on April 04, 2007
hockey in KC just makes no sense. Like it makes sense in Nashville, Atlanta, Florida, Columbus, Phoenix and Southern Cal. I'm glad for Pittsburgh, the NHL dodged a bullet there. The league can't afford to be in another small market town. There are too many teams in this watered down league and the quality of play, in my opinion, is poor. The season is too long and the schedule blows - No Crosby visits to Detroit, Original 6 match ups are few and far between, etc. While this is a victory for Pitt, the NHL is still in trouble.
posted by drose92264 at 02:32 PM on March 13, 2007
It's not like it was named 'Enron Field' for cryin' out loud. Get over it.
posted by drose92264 at 12:31 PM on March 07, 2007
Even though I don't follow the NHL as much as I used to, I like what Nashville has done here. They see this year as their shot at winning it all and feel that Forsberg will put them over the top. He's a proven playoff performer and even though nothing is certain (health or otherwise) it's a good gamble. Now, how will the Wings respond?
posted by drose92264 at 08:26 AM on February 16, 2007
Is this Joey Part II? Roy and the rest of the gang should shut up and put up. Harrington tried to stay positive while losing but at least he didn't give the other team bulletin board material. They are so bad, it's fun to watch.
posted by drose92264 at 02:38 PM on September 18, 2006
I wouldn't be shocked if the Pistons comeback to win this series. As bad and as tight as they have played, the last two losses have been by a combined 4 points. That said, I don't think they can go to the well as often as they have. The Piston players are saying the same things the Red Wing's were saying when the LA Kings and the Mighty Ducks knocked them out of the playoffs. The Pistons need to shut up, quit crying to the officials and start playing the way they did in the regular season.
posted by drose92264 at 07:48 AM on May 18, 2006
Regular season Datsyuk, no. Playoff Datsyuk, yes. One nice move to set up Z's goal in game 4 was great, but, not nearly enough. If these playoffs were a fluke instead of the norm, than I would include him in the untouchable class. Whatever changes are made, we won't know the results for a full year since the regular season has proved meaningless, again.
posted by drose92264 at 10:28 AM on May 02, 2006
All these posts bring up great points. Wings need to get bigger and faster. Loss of Fischer turned out to be huge - he could have moved some of those bodies away from the goal. Shanahan was a no show, again. The only untouchable on this team is Hank Z. Everyone else is fair game for trades, releases or big salary cuts.
posted by drose92264 at 09:14 AM on May 02, 2006
Brett Favre: Packers should let me play elsewhere
Just another reason to hate Brett. Ok, maybe not hate but, after listening to Madden, Michaels, etal go on about him endlessly from their knees, just go away already.