The two greatest words in sports: Game Seven
posted by BoSoxFan at 12:22 AM on October 20, 2004
This was what the idiots at FOX kept calling the "high top" shoe...
posted by BoSoxFan at 12:01 AM on October 20, 2004
Jesus, for once, go in order in the 9th. Just go down.
posted by BoSoxFan at 11:04 PM on October 19, 2004
BoSoxFan: you are three outs too early for that... Actually I am taking it one out at at time. A Rod being called for interference is something that does not happen to the Red Sox in this type of game in my and my father's lifetime. I was thanking the Gods for breaking the string. They still might lose, but they won't be cheated out of it.
posted by BoSoxFan at 10:51 PM on October 19, 2004
Schill is out? Awww crap. Now it's time to start the countdown. Arroyo will be good for about 8 pitches, Myers for 3. How many outs is that? Jesus, here we go...
posted by BoSoxFan at 10:07 PM on October 19, 2004
And Bellhorn is the hero? He phoned it in all season, set K records, then golfed one off a stunned fan. This better not end with some crazy shit 5 run rally with 2 out in the ninth. My wife hid all sharp instruments and took my belt...
posted by BoSoxFan at 09:40 PM on October 19, 2004
Is this really happening? I'll be honest, 4 runs at Yankee Stadium feels like we're behind. We need at least 6 more...
posted by BoSoxFan at 09:18 PM on October 19, 2004
Bullshit. How long will LIEBER last? He's already thrown a lot of pitches.
posted by BoSoxFan at 09:06 PM on October 19, 2004
have they improved upon the design of this high-top shoe since buckner wore his? This was just taken of his warmup...
posted by BoSoxFan at 04:27 PM on October 19, 2004
a rainout could help slow up any momentum the sox have going right now. Actually a day off would give us time to get Johnny D to a shrink...
posted by BoSoxFan at 01:53 PM on October 19, 2004
I think Joe Buck is very good, it'd be interesting to hear him fly solo on Fox. Does he do games alone in St. Louis? I thought he only did Bud commercials with "Leon".
posted by BoSoxFan at 04:08 PM on October 18, 2004
And if I see one more meaningless stat. They actually gave this completely worthless tidbit last night..."Only one team in the LCS has ever been down 3-0 and won in extra innings..." It's getting to the point of absurdity. The monkeys in the truck must be laughing their a**es off as they pass this crap on. Tonight we'll hear; "No team has ever forced a game 6 when the opposing team wore away uniforms on the third monday in October with a right hand pitcher works with 3 days rest and the temperature is below 50 degrees when game 5 is less than 24 hours after game 4." Or something close.
posted by BoSoxFan at 12:53 PM on October 18, 2004
Grum a/k/a Tired Man, sometimes there're advantages to living on the West Coast. Except nobody seems to have the passion for it out here. Neighbor though I was crazy as I sat on the back porch and wept like a little girl as Ortiz was circling the bases... Wife dragged me to (her home) Tucson last year from Boston. Miss the fans.
posted by BoSoxFan at 11:58 AM on October 18, 2004
Did anyone catch Dennis Leary's portrayal of a Red Sox fan? Funny as hell. He nailed it.
posted by BoSoxFan at 10:16 AM on October 18, 2004
Washington Gridlocks !! That's PERFECT I also like Washington BustaCaps
posted by BoSoxFan at 10:11 AM on October 08, 2004
Washington Never See the Postseason unless they spend $250 Million Senators
posted by BoSoxFan at 10:47 PM on October 07, 2004
hey bosoxfan, i checked your profile and it doesn't say what your fave MLB team is... My favorite MLB team? Whoever is currently playing the Yankees.
posted by BoSoxFan at 02:42 PM on October 07, 2004
What about the Washington Gangstas? Washington Crips?
posted by BoSoxFan at 01:18 PM on October 07, 2004
Nathan was still our best/only option for that third inning. You and Grady have been drinking the same koolaid. ANY live arm is better than what Nathan was throwing. He looked totally spent. I was screaming at the TV. Jesus, this is baseball 101. The Yankees are a killing machine and it's very rare occasion when they don't make you pay for gambling with a pitch count. The house always wins. So forget the throw. The Twins shouldn't have even been in that position.
posted by BoSoxFan at 12:02 PM on October 07, 2004
If ARod had only juiced like his teammate(s), it would have gone another 30 feet...
posted by BoSoxFan at 04:42 PM on October 06, 2004
Was that after the tag up Joe Buck declared "brilliant base running"? What's up with Buck? Good football announcer, awful baseball editorialist. Yeah. Why is it so hard for FOX to find someone that isn't MOTO (master of the obvious) or give bad baseball advice? Bring back JACK Buck. Dig his ass up. I'd even take Tony Gwynn over this clown.
posted by BoSoxFan at 12:24 PM on October 06, 2004
Thank GOD they left the "Cowboy Up" at home. That was so gay. Now they're just hungry. The Red Sox Nation is holding their breath to see which Pedro shows up tonight... Great outing from Shil last night. He's a rock. He's up every time he takes the hill. Yankees looked great last night. I mean it. They were hitting the ball hard every inning. Just that the Gods were not kind when it mattered. What's different about this year's team is, after Moose, who? Now the Twins are into the soft underbelly of the Yanks starting rotation (in game 2...)
posted by BoSoxFan at 09:45 AM on October 06, 2004
justgary is right. This team is so much better, both offensively and defensively. What scares me is I have been waiting for this team my whole life. Well, at least since 1986. In the age of free agents it is hard to imagine a better team for the post-season. It just pisses me off SI and ESPN picked them. That's all they need is another jinx...
posted by BoSoxFan at 12:42 PM on October 05, 2004
Yanks v. Sox Game 6.
So Rocky and Apollo come out in the final round, all bloody and beat to shit...