At what point do you think S. Cink was saying "What the F@#*". When Tiger's playing like that, they should just change the name of the programming for Sunday to "The Tiger Woods Show!" When he's leading or close, he does'nt choke.
posted by rukidng at 09:06 AM on August 28, 2006
If he can play, he'll last. If not, see ya. Ask 80% of the PGA Tour.
posted by rukidng at 11:25 AM on April 18, 2006
Guy's, let this be a lesson for us ALL. See what happens when you bring your wife/Girlfriend to work with you even for just one day!!
posted by rukidng at 09:12 AM on April 13, 2006
Is this guy serious! Selfish? Hey Chmura, how many players on the team did you call to say you were sorry about embarrasing the entire team with your underage girl chasing, huh, what does your wife and kids have to say about that. Go chase yourself. If your not tring to throw him under the bus, what are you trying to do. Better take another look at his stats before you go calling him selfish. He hasn't sat out a game since you were in college. I'm not even a Packer fan, but 15 years, 8 probowls, 6 Packer team records, 3 MVP's and 2 superbowls. Yeah, pretty selfish. Things must be slow at the radio station.
posted by rukidng at 12:16 PM on April 04, 2006
Raiders go way back, sign inactive quarterback George
I'm not much of a Raider fan, but if I were, this would'nt shock me as much as some of his other moves. It seems he likes to pick up players that are either past their prime or surrounded by contraversy. Kind of like the Land for Misfit Toys. They ussally only hang around a season or two tops.