I must also say that I have read this filter for the past few years and it's great to see the soft side of some usually hard core posters. You are giving me more faith in humanity! I will have this posted on all the autism sites we visit. Daddisam best of luck with you health issues. Owlhouse: Best of luck with your son. With a caring dad like you he is ahead of his peers already. Just remember be his advocate and NEVER take no for an answer.
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 01:37 PM on February 26, 2006
As the parent of a child with autism it makes me hope my son will oneday feel that sense of accomplishment. To be like everyone else for one day. I am so happy for his family and him. Here is a scary stat, 1 in 166 kids is born with autism. Think of this boy the next time you find your self acting foolish at your kids games...
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 01:10 PM on February 26, 2006
Ricky needs help! He is "troubled" and will not get well without years of therapy. This is not your typical drug addict. He has real mental issue he is not dealing with. Unfortunately in the next few years we will read "Former NFL great Ricky Williams found ..... The cause is under investigation..... He never reached his potential... The bong is mightier than the sword. Sad!!! He had the chance to do a lot of positive things for the mentally ill.
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 01:01 PM on February 26, 2006
Remember, the soccer idiots in Europe are the same as basketball idiots in US. Patrick Ewing went to Georgetown and could not read. Dexter Manley had a degree in English and could not read run spot run..... Do you think Roger Clements or Randy Johnson can help their kids with homework? Face it with a few exceptions athletes are dumb as dirt... Just wait until about ten years after they retire and waste the millions. It's great to have a former NBA player ask if you want fries with that. And no he did not own the restaurant. It was highlight of a bad day.....
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:52 PM on February 26, 2006
Seems like there is a player like him on every roster in ever sport every year. The media just chooses to focus on the garbage. Hope he has his moment in the sun.
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:45 PM on February 26, 2006
Bigmeat You are right. Gotta out play them. Saw an unusual sight the other night, a black defensman on a minor league hockey team. He palyed well. But when folks yelled at him it was all about him being a goon, bad skater or his team being lousy. We did not hear a racist comment. This suprised my jaded friends. Wow hockey fans being enlightened?
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:41 PM on February 26, 2006
By the way I hate racists more than liberals!!!
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:37 PM on February 26, 2006
They did a segment on HBO's Real Sports on this topic. It's a must watch for all. I was shocked that this still goes on in an "enlightened" continent such as Europe. When listening to the American media you would think we have the market cornered on antisocial racist behavior. When will a man be judged by the content of his charecter and not the color of his skin? It's sad when Europe is more racist that the deep south.... How sad that we still have ignorant people on this planet.
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:36 PM on February 26, 2006
Think about it for every Bill Bradley, Tiger Woods, Derek Jeter and Alan Paige there are hunderds of Denny McLains, Michael Ray Richardsons, Rick Williams, Michael Irvin, That idiot former NJ devil who tried to have his agent killed, Jason Williams (sorry he was innocent). Not to mention former players going bankrupt. Gotta make you wonder....
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:28 PM on February 26, 2006
Ying Yang You missed the mark. Athletes are spoiled from the moment they show promise. Look at any middle school, the 6 foot tall 8th grader who is reading at a second grade level is being recruited by private high "schools". Don't be so naive.... The 13 year kid on Long Island playing lacross get's a free pass when he "inappropraitely" touches a classmate. McDonald's restaurants and prisons are full of "athletes". We are too soft on them too early.
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:23 PM on February 26, 2006
Also, I think Lewis is normally a good coach. Great motivator. Good X & O guy. This is unlike him... This kind of decision is not how he became a headcoach.
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 04:51 PM on February 25, 2006
Didn't lewis ever hear of a whistle blower law? Chad can argue with coaches but no one can talk about Chad? Gotta love modern "athletes".
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 04:50 PM on February 25, 2006
Just another spoiled athlete. Hopefully Michael Irin will follow his lead when he goes to jail.
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 04:45 PM on February 25, 2006
Awesome short video from last night's CBS News
Black Hand Thanks for the link. As an asisde, the IHATE LIBERALS is a tongue in cheek jab at another poster, an old friend. I normally only use this to post to his obvious posts. I forgot to change log on....