but it does seem pretty damn selfish. What's better than winning? Being the most famous and highest paid at your position? If thats true then the essence of sport is truly being wasted
posted by budpatient at 12:51 PM on March 05, 2006
He plays in someplace like Boston, then there's no possible way he can "shut up" because every comment he makes will be printed and (over) analyzed until he's made to look like the biggest ass in society. No one has brought up the point that he's asking to be traded away from a WINNING team. Most players demand to be traded away from losing situations.
posted by budpatient at 11:46 AM on March 05, 2006
Then why does he cry so much about where he plays and how much he gets paid? Minimum wage is $6.75 in the US. I bet its like .25 in the Dominican (if they even have a minimum wage). My point was just that he should shut up and be more greatful for the life that MLB (including the Red Sox) has provided for him.
posted by budpatient at 10:43 AM on March 05, 2006
I still don't get "jailbait double play"-- where's the funny? I don't mean it like I'm offended; I legitimately don't get the connection How about the fact that the man is 30 yrs old and the two biatches are obviously still in High School? Although most of you wouldn't understand this since you either did not attend your prom or took your cousin as your date. You assholes are trying to be so PC that you can't even recognize humor anymore. It's a sad day when a comment about jail bait and ass play can't even get a chuckle. Stop trying to be the Superfriends of the net and lighten up a bit.
posted by budpatient at 10:18 AM on March 05, 2006
So what other job is Manny Ramirez qualified for? Since he can't even do an interview in which he responds intelligently to a question, my guess is nothing. Picking oranges, serving french fries, pumping gas, construction??? I do apologize for offending all you fruit pickers and children of fruit pickers. I just assumed that those who pick fruit for a living wouldn't be able to afford a computer.
posted by budpatient at 10:12 AM on March 05, 2006
Last time I checked, Ben Wallace is only 6'9, the size of most 3,4's, not very tall compared to Tim Duncan & Shaq & Jordan and the bulls won 6 Championships without a dominating big man.
posted by budpatient at 04:53 PM on March 04, 2006
Speed and 3 point shooting will beat height anyday.
posted by budpatient at 08:42 PM on March 03, 2006
All I want for Christmas is a muzzle for Dick Vitale. The annoying people live the longest.
posted by budpatient at 07:02 PM on March 03, 2006
You mean if they paid their basketball players? (uh football???)
posted by budpatient at 06:55 PM on March 03, 2006
If you don't want to contribute keep you dumbass comments to yourself.
posted by budpatient at 06:54 PM on March 03, 2006
By the way I was talking about his ENTIRE career.
posted by budpatient at 06:51 PM on March 03, 2006
Johnson Averaged a double double with Assists and Points and won Multiple Championships
posted by budpatient at 06:51 PM on March 03, 2006
posted by budpatient at 06:48 PM on March 03, 2006
First the journalist lists all the tradgedies that the man's been through (the most recent being 9 years ago) and then they allude to the fact that it is somehow part of the reason that he is missing? This journalist is really stretching it this time.
posted by budpatient at 06:27 PM on March 03, 2006
I have been a Clippers fan since I was 10 years old and I am finally not ashamed!
posted by budpatient at 06:22 PM on March 03, 2006
By the way statboy, Oscar only averaged 7.5 rpb and 9.5 apg, not quite averaging a triple double. I realize that you were upset by the comment I made about Manny Ramirez's retarded a** but thats no reason to try to make up stats to make me look bad. I already apologized.
posted by budpatient at 05:51 PM on March 03, 2006
Also, its hard to be Nazi when you aren't white.
posted by budpatient at 05:42 PM on March 03, 2006
FSU came out playing a lot harder than Duke. You can ask anyone who knows basketball and they will tell you that the more aggressive team will, more often than not, get the calls.
posted by budpatient at 05:38 PM on March 03, 2006
Thanx statboy (yerfatma)! When you're right, you're right. How many Championships did Oscar win?
posted by budpatient at 05:33 PM on March 03, 2006
Wake up and look at the league. No one will ever be as good at the point as Magic Johnson. The man nearly averaged a triple double. Stop hating the Lakers. Are you from Sacramento or something?
posted by budpatient at 03:32 PM on March 03, 2006
Sorry, didn't realize that picking oranges was racist. Also, if Manny Ramirez was born and raised in this country then we need to take a long look at our educational system. The man can't speak a clear, complete, and gramatically correct sentence. Sorry for putting one and two together. I guess I came up with four this time.
posted by budpatient at 03:30 PM on March 03, 2006
or that he was an athlete. Don't swim out too far from shore, Magic - there may be frisky Norwegians about, and you'd likely get harpooned. Magic is still a better point guard than anyone in the league. Show some respect!
posted by budpatient at 03:26 PM on March 03, 2006
The truth really does hurt
posted by budpatient at 07:12 PM on March 02, 2006
They probably dropped him in anticipation of Amare's arrival.
posted by budpatient at 07:11 PM on March 02, 2006
Ohhh.... So that's a New York accent that Manny has?!?!?!?!?
posted by budpatient at 01:32 PM on March 02, 2006
In Manny's case, he has nothing to lose. Without baseball he would be picking oranges and playing barefoot baseball with a rock and a tree branch.
posted by budpatient at 01:23 PM on March 02, 2006
NOTHING! Bobby Grich also slugged .537 -- 100 points better than his previous career best -- in the year he turned 30. What's that tell us? That Bobby Grich started on the juice in 1979? You think steroids are new???? Wake up, Ben Johnson got caught in the '80 olympics!!
posted by budpatient at 01:20 PM on March 02, 2006
When I hit 30, Will I realize that I need something to enhance my, uh, "abilities"???
posted by budpatient at 11:39 AM on March 02, 2006
The love for billionaires at the expense of multi-millionaire "cry babies" never ceases to amaze me. You are forgetting one thing. The owners actually have a few hundred million dollars invested in the team. What do the players have invested in the team? Maybe someone should whack you upside the head with a cane.
posted by budpatient at 11:35 AM on March 02, 2006
Ok, so boone was crap until he hit 30??? Whats that tell us?
posted by budpatient at 11:33 AM on March 02, 2006
I wish I was a professional sports franchise owner so I could slap the sh*t outta these little cry babies. Wouldn't it be nice to see an 80yr old owner smack one of these punks upside the head with their cane??? I would pay to see that...
posted by budpatient at 09:15 AM on March 02, 2006
"Take a look at Boone's career stats and show me where he "stopped" using staroids [sic]. 2004? 2005? Couldn't be that the guy was 35 years old, I guess." Isn't Barry Bonds 42????? Didn't he just hit 73 home runs when he was 38-39????
posted by budpatient at 09:12 AM on March 02, 2006
There's nothing wrong with weed! It's not a performance enhancer, its a medical treatment. Every week they hand Ricky the ball and tell him to run right at guys that are 6'7" 350lbs, over and over and over again. Personally, I think a person would have to be high to agree to do that.
posted by budpatient at 01:18 PM on February 26, 2006
The Blazer's are at least 10 years away from a championship. They have no superstars. Detroit is thought of as the best "team" in the game and they have 4 all-stars (5 if you count Prince who easily could've made it). That means that the Blazers are at least 4 superstars away from a championship.
posted by budpatient at 02:24 PM on February 24, 2006
To Hate Like This is to Be Happy Forever
Obviously you never played ball before because the fouls I was reffering to are the ones that come from getting to the ball first. (IE. Not shooting fouls!) Maybe you should watch a little more basketball before commenting on it. Or maybe you should try playing it. No, not on your PS2, outside with other people!