Wiimbledon crowns top 'tennis' champs: “Women, free beer and video games,” Participants play in the second annual Wii Tennis tournament at Barcade in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Dammit, I could have gone to this.
posted by chicobangs at 02:17 PM on June 09, 2008
"I coulda bin a contendah..."
posted by JJ at 02:34 PM on June 09, 2008
Oh, I'd have lost early. I've picked up a Wii controller a grand total of twice in my life. I'd get my ass handed to me. But I'd have gone as our correspondent. I might have even used it as an excuse to get drunk. Because hey, an excuse!
posted by chicobangs at 03:50 PM on June 10, 2008
OK, so not exactly tennis, but with Nadal's trouncing of Federer this week, I though this could bring some levity in the runup to Wimbledon.