"Bull Durham": is 20 years old, a fact that should make people of a certain age check for the sudden onset of liver spots. To celebrate, a "Collector's Edition" DVD goes on sale Tuesday, the third release of the film on disc. It contains the usual commentaries and extras, but unfortunately, doesn't address how anachronistic the movie has become in the ensuing two decades. Here then, a plot for a new, more realistic "Bull Durham: 21st Century Edition."
posted by mr_crash_davis to baseball at 08:58 PM - 6 comments
Funny to see mr_crash_davis posting this story... The new DVD is largely replicating the OLD DVD, with one or two new additions, so do not buy this thinking it's all new content. It's largely a double (treble?) dip.
posted by Drood at 01:04 AM on March 25, 2008
So in the "Bull Durham: 21st Century Edition" version, do girls still get wooley? Great post, crash. One of my all-time, favorite baseball flicks next to "The Natural." Is it just me or does it seem as if Kevin Costner wanted to play baseball instead of acting? How many baseball joints has he done? Three? "Bull Durham", "Field of Dreams" and "For the Love of the Game" if I'm not mistaken.
posted by BornIcon at 07:43 AM on March 25, 2008
That is a classic movie... The story line is great for its timeframe... It is up there in the top of the baseball movies... Have to say 61 is one that tops my list... Great movie...
posted by bruce2ww at 11:39 AM on March 25, 2008
posted by budman13 at 06:17 PM on March 25, 2008
Durham's writer director Ron Shelton was a minor leaguer in the Orioles farm system in the late 60's. By the time of the movie's 1988 release it may have been a bit of an throwback even then. A great character based comedy like Durham blows past any anachronisms it may have in the story.
posted by Newbie Walker at 02:59 AM on March 27, 2008
My favorite story about that movie is as follows: My friend Kim, while going to school in Northern California, was in a literature class. A guest lecturer from Berkley was speaking about various authors who had particular influence on the feminist movement. As the name of Suzan Sontag came up, Kim, not realizing she was speaking out loud, said, in her best Kevin Costner voice "I believe the novels of Suzan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap!" In a room with about 70 people in it, including a very outspoken and loud lecturer, she could hear 3 guys trying to muffle their laughter, as every one in the house was giving her the stink-eye.