A Small, Good Thing: How many 23-yo, female high school band and vocal directors also coach the boy's basketball team at their school? At least one.
posted by Uncle Toby to basketball at 08:32 AM - 2 comments
It is weird to me that this is news. The school down the road has female coaches for Junior/Senior boys volleyball and basketball, and junior boys soccer, at least. The junior girls volleyball has a male coach. No one thinks twice about it. And it seems to be the same at most schools in the province -- when you go to tournaments and such, the coaches are about 50/50 male/female, regardless of what sport/age level you are watching.
posted by fabulon7 at 10:24 AM on January 14, 2008
Hardly earth-shattering, but a nice Monday-morning curiousity, I hope. More about her is available here, including the information that, "At P-C, Brock is both the vocal and instrumental music director for students from fourth through 12th grades, in addition to being yearbook advisor, junior class sponsor and head boys’ basketball coach." I visit school like this--the writer notes that with 41 total students, it's "one of the smaller 1-A schools in the state"--pretty often, and can attest to the multitasking required of the coaches. Some drive the bus to away games, too.