Baseball Pitches Illustrated.:
posted by DrJohnEvans to baseball at 09:44 AM - 5 comments
Mmmm, infographicky goodness. Thanks Dr. John, this pairs off nicely with the Seattle PI's pitching grips article (warning, PDF) from a few years back.
posted by lilnemo at 01:01 PM on November 14, 2007
Oh cool. Thanks lilnemo. I had been thinking that it would be cooler to see hand grips next to the pitch.
posted by justgary at 02:29 PM on November 14, 2007
Excellent! I've always wanted to see diagrams like these. You know, it's funny, but I find stuff like this (and Moneyball and the Fire Joe Morgan blog) absolutely fascinating, yet I have no desire whatsoever to actually watch a baseball game. I've watched zero televised games over the last two years and I attended one, but spent most of my time eating hot dogs and looking at cute girls.
posted by mullacc at 02:49 PM on November 14, 2007
For all baseball newbies, since I can't physically be there, will show you all how to grip respective pitches. Of course, you won't be able to throw them, you'll only know how to GRIP the ball.
posted by LeftyPower at 04:15 PM on November 14, 2007
I'm still disappointed that the 12-6 curveball isn't called a dropball as in my childhood.