Crazy Wife files $12M suit against Finley.: Yes, our favorite Whitesnake performer is back in the news! Actress/Crazy Person Tawny Kitaen has filed a lawsuit against her husband saying he "broke a promise to finance her life, for the rest of her life."
Among my favorite notables in the suit are that "Kitaen ... managed his house and his life ... performed God's work by helping him select his hair color, a delightful dirty blond" and that "Her celebrity rubbed off on Finley, the lawsuit says, boosting his career--and earning power."
My question is, if God instructed her to manage his house and life, who told her to twist his ears and dig her heels into him while he was driving?
Wow...How did she find a lawyer willing to go with this suit? I wonder exactly how long it will take for it to be thrown out? Any over/under lines yet?