Goat's Head Soup: Christmas-wrapped and placed under the tree, GM in Italy's Serie A gets the message.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY to soccer at 11:45 AM - 7 comments
Foschi said he received the package on Dec. 22, put it underneath his Christmas tree and his wife opened it on Christmas Eve. Why would anyone do this? Ooh a goat's head. I'll put that under the Christmas tree for the missus.
posted by squealy at 07:39 PM on December 31, 2006
Saves buying a turkey I guess..
posted by Drood at 01:24 AM on January 01, 2007
better than finding a horse's head in bed ala The Godfather... But honestly, what is he doing putting a goat's head under the tree? My wife would have threatened castration and withheld fornication.
posted by antwan at 08:26 AM on January 01, 2007
More proof that too many sports fans are morons raised by same. And what's up with antwan? Is his reading comprehension a little shaky or doesn't he understand that the guy _didn't_ know what some goon sent to him before the packag was unwrapped?
posted by Fooseballdude at 09:08 AM on January 01, 2007
Unless the guy is telepathic, I don't think he realised there was a goat's head under his tree until he actually opened the package.
posted by afx237vi at 09:47 AM on January 01, 2007
Ooh a goat's head. I'll put that under the Christmas tree for the missus. You know, goat's head makes great barbacoa. Dry rub that puppy, put it in a smoker for several hours until the meat just falls off the skull, and serve it on a tortilla with some pico de gallo... deeeelicious. Maybe it was just a present from a Mexican fan.
posted by avogadro at 11:12 AM on January 01, 2007
Sad, sick, joke (as the GM suggests) or not.