Wanna hear some Hockey Rock? Meet The Zambonis!: America's only all-hockey rock and roll band. These guys have been slogging around the Northeast for years, playing songs like the insanely catchy "Hockey Monkey"(downloadable mp3 here, click on "downloads".) and the rather poignant "Bob Marley and the Hartford Whalers." As an added bonus they're from Connecticut! Enjoy, guys.
There was some band called "Five For Fighting" playing at the NHL All Star game. AND, Hockey Monkey is not The Zambonis' song, unless they've got James Kolchalka of "Monkey Vs. Robot" fame in their lineup.
posted by like*I*care at 08:47 PM on February 12, 2002
like*I*care- from Kochalka's mp3.com bio: " He collaborates with many excellent musicians fromdifferent bands including The Pants, The Philistines Jr.,The Zambonis, and Jason Cooley."
posted by jonmc at 09:14 PM on February 12, 2002
Great link jon! How is being from Connecticut a bonus, though ;) You should also check out the Hanson Brothers. No not those ones. These Hansons are the alter ego of nomeansno, dress up like the Hansons from Slapshot, and lay the hockey punk down. A great live show, too.