The "Cancer Sucks" Ball Park Tour: Jeffrey Newbauer, Jr. succumbed on Wednesday to recurrent Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. His battle was chronicled by his mother, and the family has vowed to continue the fight with ""NEWBEginnings," dedicated to taking children with cancer and their families out to the ballpark.
posted by BullpenPro to baseball at 01:06 PM - 6 comments
Wow. Sad, but very inspirational. It's too bad it often takes death to hear about these stories, while we spend most of our time on this site commenting on the jackasses who abuse drugs, fire off weapons outside stripclubs, and generally live as if they are doing society a favor. Jeffrey makes me hope to get back to a time in my life when I enjoyed sports for the sport and wasn't impacted by some of the idiots who play them.
posted by dyams at 01:54 PM on October 27, 2006
Kids do look up to athletes, whether or not the pro's like or acknowledge the responsibility. The unselfishness of Jeff and his caring for others in spite of his own condition is truly inspiring. Sure made me count my blessings. Cancer sucks, indeed.
posted by mjkredliner at 02:22 PM on October 27, 2006
Wow. Sad, but very inspirational. It's too bad it often takes death to hear about these stories, while we spend most of our time on this site commenting on the jackasses who abuse drugs, fire off weapons outside stripclubs, and generally live as if they are doing society a favor. Jeffrey makes me hope to get back to a time in my life when I enjoyed sports for the sport and wasn't impacted by some of the idiots who play them. Kids do look up to athletes, whether or not the pro's like or acknowledge the responsibility. The unselfishness of Jeff and his caring for others in spite of his own condition is truly inspiring. Sure made me count my blessings. Cancer sucks, indeed. That about sums it all up, wouldn't you say? Great posts, guys. I couldn't have done it better myself. Thanks.
posted by t money at 05:15 PM on October 27, 2006
I would say that the above posts covers it all. Cancer indeed sucks for any who has it ,or has gone thru it. God bless Jeff. A sad story indeed.
posted by Ghastly1 at 07:34 PM on October 27, 2006
I heard this on the radio today and it actually made me tear up. I am such a wuss.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 09:59 PM on October 27, 2006
Ugh. I misspelled the poor kid's name. Admins, please remove the first "a" in "Newbauer." Thanks.