Perspective: The Sydney Swans lose the AFL Grand Final by a single, solitary point. But coach Paul Roos isn't all that disappointed.
Seems like a good attitude to have. Though, as a non-Aussie, the only real interest I have in Aussie Rules is around the time of the International series. But the sport does have a bit of a following here, most of the matches are shown on Irish tv, and plenty of the GAA lads would have an interest. Although maybe just because of the likes of Tadhg Kennelly :)
posted by Fence at 02:44 AM on October 02, 2006
I only saw the highlights on FSC, mind you, but Swans seem to have put on a massive but not quite (Eli) Manning-like comeback as Eagles were able to score just enough sixes. The fans in the stadium sure got a great title match to watch. Reminds me that this is the one aspect of the FSW to FSC change I didn't like, the loss of AFL matches. I may not understand the rules, positions or tactics but Aussies Rules is sure fun to watch!
posted by billsaysthis at 12:33 PM on October 02, 2006
I played footy for a few years (there's a league in Toronto), and I fell in love with it. I've never been more fit in my life, and man what a fun game I'd love to watch it more often, but like billsaid, even the recap shows are irregular, which makes it hard. Good on the Swans for doing so well, and good on Roos for having such a healthy attitude toward the game.
posted by chicobangs at 01:03 PM on October 02, 2006
Kennelly doesn't seem to have taken it so well, says it was "one of the worst days of his life" although that possibly may have more to do with the fact that last year his father traveled to watch him. His father passed away earlier this year. "but the memory of dad being in Melbourne last year was very emotional, and to lose by a f***ing point made it even harder to deal with. I know our coach, Paul Roos, said I played well, and the team played well, but it's not much consolation when you lose like that. It was the worst day of my Aussie Rules career with the Swans, but I've learned that there are more important things in life to worry about than football, so you just have to deal with it and move on." That link is to a subs only site, but if anyone wants the full article let me know and I'll copy and paste, or email to you.
posted by Fence at 07:30 AM on October 05, 2006
I'd sum up Paul Roos' comments as "a fair call" on the game, the finals series and the season. And I'm a diehard Swans fan. Good to see a high profile coach and/or sportsman who has their balance right.