Rickshaw Drag Racing: No Comment. :-)
posted by commander cody to culture at 10:50 AM - 11 comments
Are we this desperate for threads?
posted by Psycho at 12:48 PM on September 02, 2006
What the hell?
posted by dusted at 01:19 PM on September 02, 2006
Ummmm....... ???.....
posted by Kendall at 01:56 PM on September 02, 2006
In this country, many fine, hard working people lose their fingers in meat-packing or other unfortunate industrial accidents. Tragically,these workers are maimed, though unintentionally. What in these guys' culture influences them to believe a bet resulting in self-maiming is acceptable? Are bragging rights for winning rickshaw races and a little bit of money ever a justification for the kind of self- inflicted injury like shown in the picture? NO. Apparently, the local government tolerates this nonsense. Sure makes me glad I live in the United States...
posted by judgedread at 02:35 PM on September 02, 2006
Are we this desperate for threads? I don't think it's desperate for a thread. It is a sport after all and it just shows how seriously some people in some countries take their sports. Like when the ancient Mayans used to sacrifice the opposing team leader at the end of one of their games. This is at least a more minor version of that, which is why it's posted under "Culture".
posted by commander cody at 03:59 PM on September 02, 2006
All I can say is that i whole heartedly agree with judge. Maybe we should start something in this country. If a goalie allows a goal then he should lose a tooth, what do ya think? This is ridiculas.
posted by Psycho at 05:02 PM on September 02, 2006
Come on. This is a link with a "No Comment" and an emoticon on the front page. I hate to say it, but this is half assed at best. I wish you put the effort into the FPP that you did in your last comment, in regards to Mayans, etc... but with the guidelines as they are now, it's suitable for a link dump in the lockerroom. I know you can do better than this.
posted by jerseygirl at 05:04 PM on September 02, 2006
Hmmm...maybe I've lost my touch? But I thought if I said anything in the FPP I'd get in trouble for editorializing, so I figured a "no comment" was the way to go. I'll work on it.
posted by commander cody at 08:12 PM on September 02, 2006
Interesting post, c.c. different, but interesting. It is a nice change from some of the posts that go on ad naseam.
posted by steelergirl at 10:13 PM on September 02, 2006
Thumbs Up to this post, or should that be.....thumb up to this post?
posted by tommybiden at 11:40 PM on September 03, 2006
Just don't expect the loser to be seen hitch-hiking on the road home.