Scientist creates worlds tiniest soccer pitch: Ok and I thought I had the "smallest" interest in soccer as a sport in the world. Perhaps this should be filed under most usless waste of time for a scientist, unless he can clone really small players too? Then again just imagine the possibilities! The worlds smallest baseball games or hockey arena! An entire NFL league that you can carry in your pocket!
posted by commander cody to soccer at 12:38 AM - 4 comments
And I've got the world's smallest ... oh, right ... i'm not supposed to be proud of that ;) I wonder how long it will be before we start playing games with this nanotechnology?
posted by Spitztengle at 11:00 AM on July 06, 2006
You know the more I think about it this might be a big step toward wearable video games. With this technology you would actually be able to put a video game in your eye like a contact lens. Or a QB could have all the game plays right in front of him constantly. Or for Ref's, instant reply broadcast right to them. This might be fun after all.
posted by commander cody at 11:25 AM on July 06, 2006
But its not really the world''s smallest soccer pitch, it's the smallest image of a pitch. Nanotech has started arriving and will have a huge impact before our favorite CRonaldo retires from international play, assuming we avoid what Bill Joy called the grey goo problem. Given the geek quotient here, didn't you all read Engines of Creation in the original hardcover release?
posted by billsaysthis at 12:26 AM on July 07, 2006
I've created the world's smallest copy of the Mona Lisa, but I'm afraid, like this boy's soccer pitch, you can't see it either.