Healing Hans:: Meet the German World Cup squad's controversial doctor.
"I’m sitting in a pine-clad waiting area that feels like a changing room, in a tiny clinic in the centre of Munich, waiting to see the most enigmatic sports doctor in the world. He has reputedly cured every major injury-prone sporting name you can think of — Paula Radcliffe, José Maria Olazabal, Boris Becker, Michael Owen, Darren Gough. But he rarely gives interviews — or reveals his techniques."
Yes, fascinating stuff, Amateur. Creeps the hell out of me, but, hey, I'm not an athlete.
posted by qbert72 at 07:37 PM on June 04, 2006
Perhaps England should send Rooney over for a visit to Herr Doktor.
posted by worldcup2002 at 09:05 PM on June 04, 2006
Good read - thanks, amateur. Does anyone have his number? My knee is still not right.
posted by JJ at 06:41 AM on June 05, 2006
Call me a cynic, but I'm a little surprised that a few more probing questions weren't asked. A secretive doctor who performs "miracle cures" and turns middle of the road athletes into world-beaters after a few treatments? Oh yeah, and he won't tell anyone how he does it. But we know he uses Actovegin, made from veal plasma. Oh and past clients include Maradona. And Linford Christie. Remind me what they have in common again?
posted by afx237vi at 09:09 AM on June 05, 2006
Actovegin, made from veal plasma Gross, okay?
posted by billsaysthis at 02:58 PM on June 05, 2006
Calf blood was already mentioned in the linked article.
posted by qbert72 at 04:27 PM on June 05, 2006
Fascinating article. What with this and Mr Bismarck's piece on officals' hand-signals SpoFi is fast becoming one of the best sources of interesting footie stories.