Amazing! Bud Selig can't even cook the books propery.: Just as corporate America was fudging the numbers to manufacture fictional profits, it's now alleged that Bud did the same in reverse -- to magnify losses . Does this guy do anything correctly?
Bud should step down before it gets even uglier (if that's possible). And this opinion comes from a guy that supported Bud big time in his pursuit of Miller Park. Baseball isn't better since he's become commissioner. He should go back to the Brewers and find a deep-pocketed person to sell the team to.
posted by shackbar at 02:41 AM on August 07, 2002
Except that cooking the books in reverse is exactly what he wanted to do. This is the beginning of the end for Selig, I'm sure of it. I bet my iPod he's gone in 6 months. Hey - what's this Preview button for?