Naked pool? You're fired. : "A Gaelic football team has been disbanded after players were caught on a hotel security camera playing pool naked during a late night drinking session." I'm shocked--shocked!-- to hear of such behavior from a Gaelic football team. [via rebecca's pocket]
posted by kirkaracha to culture at 05:15 PM - 2 comments
I suspect that it wasn't the nakedness that upset the GAA, but the fact that they were playing pool: a filthy, un-Irish game it is. (insomnyuk: the GAA isn't simply a sports governing board. It's a fiercely conservative, traditionalist body which regards itself as one of the pillars of Ireland's independence movement, and still carries a pretty Victorian political agenda. Playing football/soccer or rugby can get you kicked out of a GAA team; and the less said about wanting to play 'profane' sports on Croke Park, the better.)
posted by etagloh at 06:56 AM on July 28, 2002
Can't guys have a little fun anymore without getting in trouble? People are so damn uptight, zero-tolerance policies are like a plague infecting every aspect of society.